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Air pollution is associated with severe dementia

Wilson (42865) Published at 18:04 Monday, February 26, 2024

From crows falling from the tower
The study found that air pollution caused by traffic is related to severe dementia. An analysis of the brains of donors in Atlanta, the United States, found that people living in PM2.5 intensive areas were more likely to have amyloid plaques related to Alzheimer's disease in their brains. PM2.5 is related to traffic and is the main source of urban air pollution in the world. The researchers found that the PM2.5 exposure level in the year before death was 1 ug/m3 higher, and the possibility of a higher level of amyloid plaque in the brain was nearly twice; Exposure to high PM2.5 levels three years before death increased the likelihood of higher amyloid plaque levels by 87%. The researchers also investigated the gene variant ApoE4 associated with Alzheimer's disease, and found that air pollution has a stronger relationship with people who do not carry the variant gene and have a low risk of Alzheimer's disease.
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