Sichuan Province launched the action of rectifying and clearing the key problems of poverty alleviation

07:17, May 14, 2020 Source: Sichuan Daily
Original title: All problems were rectified in place before June 30

On May 13, a teleconference on the rectification and clearing of key poverty alleviation problems in the province was held. The reporter learned from the meeting that, in order to consolidate and improve the achievements of poverty alleviation in our province and win the battle of ending poverty alleviation with high quality, the provincial poverty alleviation leading group decided to carry out the action of rectifying and clearing the poverty alleviation problems in the province, comprehensively sort out all problems since the poverty alleviation, re supervise and re implement the rectification of various problems, and ensure the quality of ending.

The meeting required that all departments across the province should benchmark the exit criteria for poverty alleviation, comprehensively sort out and verify the rectification of "two no worries and three guarantees" and look back at the rectification of major troubleshooting problems in accordance with the work requirements of "three refined standards", "three implementation" and "three guarantees", and assess the effectiveness of poverty alleviation since the central and provincial poverty alleviation, patrol inspection, supervision and research, audit The rectification of various problems found by the media through unannounced visits, the rectification of problems found by the county and village through self inspection this year, and the resolution of possible problems affecting the comprehensive settlement of the closing battle.

According to relevant arrangements and deployment, the zeroing operation will be carried out in strict accordance with the "five fixed" working method of verifying measures, determining effects, negotiating results, verifying results, and identifying and cancelling numbers. It is not allowed to affect the quality of problem zeroing in order to simplify procedures. In terms of time requirements, all departments around the country should rectify all problems in place before June 30, and the municipal poverty alleviation office should collect and summarize the clearing of problems before July 5, and report to the provincial poverty alleviation office.

In addition, the meeting also highlighted the need to be strict in discipline and work style, conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the CPC Central Committee, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, deepen the "Year of Discipline and Work Style Guarantee for Poverty Alleviation", pay close attention to the change of work style, resolutely put an end to formalistic bureaucracy, and conscientiously complete all rectification work.

Qu Mushiha, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the working committee of provincial organs, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. (Reporter Shao Mingliang)

(Editor in charge: Yuan Hanling, Gao Hongxia)