Five National Treasures of Sanxingdui Museum Reveal

07:16, March 24, 2020 Source: Sichuan Daily
Original title: Sanxingdui Museum reopens

● Five national treasures: Bronze God Tree, Bronze Dali People, Gold Staff, Sacrifice Mountain Jade Zhang, Jade Tooth Zhang

● Sacrificial Jade Zhang has only exhibited several times after being unearthed and has not met the public, which is the first time to return to the Sanxingdui Museum for permanent exhibition

Under the blue gray "sky curtain", the solemn and solemn bronze giant stands against the tall bronze divine tree; The "national treasure" sacrificial jade zhang carved with the mysterious sacrificial scenes of ancient Shu people and the largest jade tooth zhang in China were exhibited on the same stage for the first time... On March 23, after being closed for more than 50 days due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Guanghan Sanxingdui Museum resumed its opening, the Sanxingdui Museum Park, the comprehensive hall upgraded after closing, and the "Sanxingdui Discovered: Sanxingdui and Bashu Archaeology" in the temporary exhibition hall of the Cultural Preservation Center The special exhibition was the first to appear.

The bronzes unearthed at Sanxingdui used to amaze the world with their huge size and mysterious shapes. Since the opening of the museum for more than 20 years, the exhibition and layout methods can no longer meet the higher requirements of the current audience. In October last year, the museum comprehensively upgraded the hardware facilities and exhibition methods of the complex. The newly unveiled comprehensive pavilion covers an area of 4000 square meters, displaying 394 pieces (sets) of cultural relics, covering pottery, jade, gold, bronze and other categories, and comprehensively and systematically introducing the history of ancient Shu and the brilliant achievements of ancient Shu during the Sanxingdui period in various fields. The complex was originally planned to be unveiled on the first day of the first lunar month this year, but it was closed because of the epidemic. This opening is the first time that the complex has met the public after renovation.

The reporter saw that the biggest highlight of the upgraded exhibition hall of the comprehensive hall was that it gathered five of the six national treasures of Sanxingdui Museum. Previously, the important exhibits of Sanxingdui Museum were distributed in the Comprehensive Hall and Bronze Hall. "After the discovery of Sanxingdui Sacrificial Pit, there were six national treasures in the industry according to the value of the unearthed cultural relics." The relevant person in charge of Sanxingdui Museum introduced that they were the Bronze Divine Tree, the Bronze Dali Man, the Gold Staff, the Sacrificial Jade Zhang, the Jade Tooth Zhang and the Bronze Gazing Mask. Today, in addition to the bronze staring mask, the other five national treasures gather in the comprehensive hall for the convenience of the public.

Among the five national treasures, four cultural relics, such as the bronze sacred tree, the bronze Dali people, the gold staff, and the sacrificial jade zhang, are among the national treasures that the State Administration of Cultural Heritage prohibits from going abroad for exhibition. Moreover, the sacrificial jade zhang has not been seen by the public since he was unearthed only a few times, and this is the first time he has returned to the Sanxingdui Museum for permanent exhibition. According to reports, the most valuable thing about this jade Zhang is that it vividly depicts the scene of ancient Shu people sacrificing heaven, earth, mountains and rivers with jade Zhang. The information in the design is very rich, which shows the religious belief and sacrifice methods of ancient Shu people. It has great academic value in studying the religion, sacrifice and etiquette of ancient Shu people. In addition, a jade tooth zhang with the largest volume in China and a length of 92 cm will also accompany Chen.

Sun Liping and her family from Shenyang, Liaoning traveled to Chengdu and stopped by Sanxingdui to "punch in". "In the past, they learned about Sanxingdui culture through books, TV and other channels, and watched the exhibition on site. It was shocking! The ancient Shu civilization was great!"

On the same day, the Sanxingdui Museum received 402 visitors, about 80% less than that of the same period last year. "It is more in line with our expectations, which can not only meet the needs of epidemic prevention and control, but also provide a better exhibition experience." Zhu Yarong, deputy curator of Sanxingdui Museum, said that at present, the total number of visitors received by the museum every day does not exceed 2000 people, and at the same time, the team reception and manual interpretation services are suspended. The audience can pay attention to the "Sanxingdui Museum" WeChat official account and use "voice guided tour". (Reporter Wu Xiaoling and Yu Rubo)

(Editor in charge: Li Qiangqiang, Gao Hongxia)