Deeply understand the original mission

15:15, April 27, 2020 Source: People's Daily Online - Sichuan Channel

Go back to the source and deeply understand the basic points of the original intention and mission. The original intention is the original power to lead people forward. Only by never forgetting the original intention and looking back at it from time to time can we find ourselves, motivate ourselves, improve ourselves and finally realize our wish from the positive energy contained in the "original intention". Mission refers to the major responsibilities and tasks undertaken by individuals or groups. The original intention and mission are an organic whole. The original intention is the source of the mission, the value orientation and spiritual drive of the mission. Without the original intention, fulfilling the mission will lose the most fundamental spiritual power. Mission is the extension of the original intention and the practical content of sticking to the original intention. Leaving the mission, the original intention is just empty words.

Deeply grasp the core meaning of the original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists. "The original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation." This is a profound revelation and scientific expression of the original intention and mission of our party. This original mission is mainly reflected in the political declaration that our Party is building the Party for the public and governing for the people, as well as the deep feelings of the leadership core of our Party for the country, nation and people. Our party not only takes the people's happiness and national rejuvenation as its original mission, but also considers the fate of mankind and its own historical mission with a broad mind and global vision, standing at the height of the development and progress of all mankind. In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and on some important occasions, he has repeatedly expounded the important ideas of "striving for the cause of human progress" and "seeking peace and development for mankind", which have demonstrated the world feelings of the Chinese Communists. These are important components of the original aspiration and mission of the Chinese Communists.

Deeply understand the importance of the original aspiration and mission of the Party to the cause of the Party. First of all, the Party's original intention and mission are the concentrated embodiment of the Party's nature, purpose, ideals, beliefs and goals. The Party Constitution clearly stipulates the nature, fundamental purpose, highest ideal and ultimate goal of our party. These are fundamental issues that determine the survival and development of the party, ensure the unity of the party, and enable the party to always have a strong cohesive force and combat effectiveness. They are the foundation for the establishment of the party and the foundation for governance. They are embodied in the original intention and mission of the party. Secondly, the original intention and mission of the Party is the fundamental driving force to encourage the Chinese Communists to move forward. Since the founding of the Party, countless revolutionary pioneers have worked bravely for their original mission and created a great feat that shocked the world and made people cry. Finally, the original intention and mission of the Party is the winning code for us to move from victory to victory. The fundamental reason why our Party has been able to gradually develop and grow in small and weak situations, and constantly move from victory to victory in overcoming difficulties is that it has always adhered to its original intention and mission, and has relentlessly moved forward towards the set goals, whether in good or bad circumstances, thus winning the heartfelt support and firm support of the people. Xie Ying

(Editor in charge: Zhang Huawei, Gao Hongxia)