The total number of operating entities in Sichuan has exceeded 9 million

According to the Market Supervision Bureau of Sichuan Province, the total number of business entities in Sichuan has exceeded 9 million, reaching another million in 17 months.

  •  Sichuan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau held a press conference on special action to stop catering waste Sichuan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau held a press conference on special action to stop catering waste
  •  Plenary Meeting of Leading Group for Sichuan Province with Strong Quality Plenary Meeting of Leading Group for Sichuan Province with Strong Quality
Sichuan Province Issued 19 Measures to Promote the Development of Private Economy

Efforts should be made to solve the problems in the development of business entities and optimize the development environment of private economy.

Stop the waste of food and beverage, Sichuan will do this!

Focus on waste problems such as wedding (group) banquet, business banquet and buffet, strengthen the construction of long-term mechanism, strengthen supervision and guidance, and urge problem rectification.

Foreign invested enterprises in the "five-year transition period" need to register changes (filing) in a timely manner

With only one year to go before the "five-year transition period", have you adjusted the organizational form and structure and handled the change (filing) registration in accordance with the law?

- Wonderful illustration -

 Training Course on Improving the Ability of Sichuan Market Supervision System Leaders to Cope with Public Opinion Emergencies
Training Course on Improving the Ability of Sichuan Market Supervision System Leaders to Cope with Public Opinion Emergencies
 The first food safety keynote speech of Sichuan Province
The first food safety keynote speech of Sichuan Province