Information publicity of online store operators

Shandong Network Cable Optical Fiber Sales Center Online shop merchants

Credit rating:
  • contact number:

    eighteen billion five hundred and sixty-one million eight hundred and sixty thousand six hundred and sixty-eight

    thirteen billion two hundred and fifty-six million eight hundred and ninety-one thousand two hundred and ninety-nine


  • Company address: Jimo District, Qingdao, Shandong Province
  • Opening time: 2019-05-05
  • Qualification:  The merchant has passed identity authentication  The business has passed the qualification certification
A delegation led by the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau visited Yizhou Shares for investigation
network security
abstract In order to effectively protect innovation, in recent years, the Market Supervision Bureau has highlighted the leading and exemplary role of building trade secret protection demonstration bases, and listed key industries, agglomeration industries, innovative industries, as well as enterprises, small and micro enterprises, characteristic towns, etc. with leading business scale and technical strength as key support units for trade secret protection and construction, giving active cultivation and guidance, Good results have been achieved. Zhejiang Yizhou Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yizhou"), as a leading digital enterprise, succeeded this year Finalized provincial trade secret protection demonstration guidance station (point)
In the afternoon of November 25, Yang Jun, the second level investigator of Price Competition Branch of Zhejiang Market Supervision Bureau, and Municipal and district leaders at all levels visited Yizhou Shares for research and exchange. Zhang Wenyang, Chairman of Yizhou Group, together with relevant leaders of the company, warmly received the research team and accompanied them to visit the exhibition hall of Yizhou Co., Ltd.

During the visit to the exhibition hall, the research team got a general understanding of the development history of Yizhou and the achievements and future development layout of the company in digital communication, digital energy and other fields through the systematic introduction of the lecturers in the exhibition hall. The leaders of the research team were impressed by Yizhou's innovative development concept and forward-looking digital development trend.

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