Information publicity of online store operators

Nanjing Kaixia Information Technology Store Merchant

Credit rating:
  • contact number:

    thirteen billion five hundred and twelve million five hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred and ninety-three

  • Company address: 362 Yinhong Business Center, Zhujiang Road, Xuanwu District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province
  • Opening time: 2016-04-08
  • Qualification:  The business has passed the qualification certification

Physical store information

  • Credit rating:
  • Qualification:
  • contact number:

    thirteen billion five hundred and twelve million five hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred and ninety-three

  • Store address: 362 Yinhong Business Center, Zhujiang Road, Xuanwu District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province
  • Contact: Manager Tang
  • Opening time: 2016-04-08
  • Main business: Desktop laptop workstation server

Promotion information

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    The server

    Ultrapolar edition


    mobile hard disk drive



    Keyboard and mouse suit

    Photo printer

    ergonomic keyboard

    Notebook computer

    Solid state hard disk

    Desktop computer


    Sweeping robot

    Mini desktop

    All-in-one computer

    Washing machine


    Baby Leaderboard

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    Customer Service Center
    thirteen billion five hundred and twelve million five hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred and ninety-three
    9:00-18:00 from Monday to Sunday

    Store statistics

    • Total items: -
    • Total number of messages: -
    • Online turnover of stores: -
    Physical store map

    Address: 362 Yinhong Business Center, Zhujiang Road, Xuanwu District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province

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