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Shandong 10 Gigabit network equipment Store Merchant

Credit rating:
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    fifteen billion six hundred and sixty-six million nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and sixty-three

    thirteen billion forty-six million two thousand and sixty-two


  • Company address: Room 201, Shunhe Business Center, No. 230, Shanda Road, Lixia District, Jinan
  • Opening time: 2015-09-09
  • Qualification:  The business has passed the qualification certification  The merchant has passed identity authentication
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fifteen billion six hundred and sixty-six million nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and sixty-three
thirteen billion forty-six million two thousand and sixty-two
9:00-18:00 from Monday to Sunday

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Basic information of the store

Shandong 10 Gigabit network equipment

  • corporate name: Shandong Wanzhao Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd
  • Main business: Switch wireless access device wireless router router Server firewall monitoring camera Network storage module interface card wireless network card wireless Controller Industrial network switch Network card Intelligent camera Transceiver ADSL Hyper fusion power line communication equipment online behavior management virtualization software Application supervision
  • Location: Jinan, Shandong
  • Credit rating:
  • Store evaluation: zero
  • Transaction evaluation: zero
  • Transaction volume: zero
  • Time of establishment: 2015-09-09
  • Contact: Manager Chen
  • Business phone: fifteen billion six hundred and sixty-six million nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and sixty-three thirteen billion forty-six million two thousand and sixty-two 0531-82921682
  • Mobile number: fifteen billion six hundred and sixty-six million nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and sixty-three
  • Store address: Room 201, Shunhe Business Center, No. 230, Shanda Road, Lixia District, Jinan
  • Online contact:  Click here to send me a message customer service  Click here to send me a message business  Click here to send me a message explain  Click here to send me a message explain  Click here to send me a message customer service
  • Company website:

Company Profile

10 trillion

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Shop Notices

Welcome to Shandong Wanzhao Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd
The company operates H3C, Huawei Cisco is convinced by Dipp
Yushi, etc
Switch, router, network security, wireless coverage
Products and services welcome to call

Consulting telephone:
Tel.: 0531-82921682
Sales 1:15666968163
Sales 2: 13256790858
Sales 3: 15662698528

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  • Jinan 10 Gigabit network equipment
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