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Runhai Lantian helps power construction business service management
The server

Electric power has used the North Tower network monitoring products for a long time. However, because the current network management system of Guohua Power Information Center is decentralized and its scope is very limited, the network resource allocation and network flow distribution cannot be effectively monitored. At the same time, the linkage between the operation and maintenance process and the accident alarm cannot be realized, The business systems of Guohua Power customers rely more and more on computer networks and IT basic platforms, and also put forward higher requirements on the availability, reliability and stability of systems and networks. Therefore, efficient, unified and centralized monitoring and management of the overall computer and network system is an important condition to ensure the normal operation of Guohua power customers and various business systems.

As a network administrator, you must effectively understand whether the data transmission in the network is normal, whether the server and network equipment are overloaded, whether the connection between the LAN and the Internet is normal, whether the LAN is attacked by illegal people, and whether the data transmission between users is normal. Because of the opacity of data transmission between networks, the lack of a unified network management platform, backward management methods and other problems, it is difficult for network managers to complete the above requirements in a timely and accurate manner.

Because there is no management tool for network performance, network management personnel cannot effectively adjust and optimize the network. Without an effective and centralized tool to manage and analyze the running trend of the network and find hidden performance bottlenecks, it will be difficult to ensure the smooth operation of the network and various business applications.


Product Overview

Mocha Business Service Management (Mocha BSM for short) integrates multiple technologies such as system management, monitoring, service, statistical analysis and portal. It is the implementation of ITIL's core process of IT service management, and is a practical and scalable technical solution.

Mocha BSM application monitoring also provides visual monitoring, fault location, statistical reporting and other functions for Oracle and Lotus Domino platform systems.

The product mainly has the following functions:

Provide a "service" oriented, unified IT service management information view that integrates IT resources at all levels, such as network, host, application and service;
The automatic network topology can globally monitor the health status of the entire network architecture. The customized network topology can clearly define the topology sub map according to the logical structure, and quickly locate network problems through the sub map;
Inform the severity of the impact of the incident on the enterprise;
Accurately and quickly locate the root cause of the fault;
Provide statistical reports and analysis charts to provide decision-making basis for the leadership.

Function description

In the project, we implemented the following functions.

Managing IT from a business perspective

The business system of Guohua Power usually consists of the following four components:


When a component has a problem, the problem will be reflected on the business service dashboard. Users (including business departments) only care about the status and performance of the business services provided to them for use, and do not care about technical details.

Feel IT services as a user

From the perspective of user experience, it is necessary to strictly review the availability of business systems. Monitor the business process of the business support system by simulating user behavior, and monitor the availability of the business support system from the application level.

Three-step fault analysis strategy

At present, Power has provided business support systems for 20 power plants with relatively high complexity in the country, which often wastes a lot of time in the preliminary fault analysis in case of abnormal conditions. For this reason, Guohua Power Information Management Center has proposed a "three-step" monitoring mechanism, which can quickly locate the fault point through the graphical display interface when a fault occurs.

Step 1: Eliminate surrounding factors. That is, when a fault occurs, first judge the network connection of the business system host, the opening of the business system home page, the Web access port, etc. through the automatic monitoring mechanism, and conduct a preliminary fault analysis based on the three factors of network, host, and business performance.

Step 2: identify the platform level influencing factors. That is, when the surrounding conditions are normal, the performance load and resource consumption of the underlying indicators of each application platform level are provided through the automatic monitoring mechanism. It is mainly reflected in some IT resources such as middleware, database and J2EE application platform, so as to realize fault analysis at the business application platform level.

Step 3: Since there are a large number of self-developed applications in the power business support system, monitoring the execution efficiency of these programs has become a magic weapon for fault analysis. Through the automated log monitoring mechanism, exceptions in the process of program execution are thrown and filtered according to keywords and log levels, The operation and maintenance personnel will no longer be unable to solve problems due to missing logs.

Network equipment monitoring and topology presentation

It monitors the availability and performance of the backbone network, covering more than 90 devices such as CISCO and Huawei 3Com. Through the monitoring of network devices, administrators can master key performance indicators such as CPU utilization, memory utilization, throughput, and traffic information of each network interface of the device in real time.

Through automatic discovery and customized network topology map, the administrator can view the current status of all network devices and the traffic of each backbone line in real time. Once a device has a problem, it will be displayed through the color change of the status light in a timely manner.

At the same time, it provides Guohua Power with the monitoring of machine room health status distributed in 20 power plants across the country, and implements the monitoring means from the surface to the point with the topology drill down mechanism.

When a network failure occurs, the device backplane can be displayed in a more intuitive way in Flash to facilitate administrator operations.

Host system monitoring

Monitors the hosts of major information systems nationwide, including more than 150 devices such as AIX, SUSE Linux, and Windows. Each host provides VM visual monitoring.

? Application environment health status monitoring

Monitor major application platforms nationwide, including more than 200 application platforms such as Domino, Oracle, sybase, informix, etc. Mocha BSM integrates ten years of experience in system management, development and maintenance of Mocha software, provides the most valuable indicators for management, and details the monitoring of each application element. Among them, each Domino platform provides more than 10 system platform level indicators, more than 20 Domino platform level indicators, and more than 30 database level indicators, which can replace administrators to handle complicated daily maintenance and inspection work, and supervise applications in an automated manner, so as to achieve application platform level fault early warning, performance early warning, configuration change early warning, and other functions.

IT Asset Management

Realized the life cycle management of IT assets such as more than 700 personal computers and 90 printers in the power building. Administrators can query and manage assets online, and also provide supervision of other offline assets, such as scanners, UPS power supplies, system software, and application software. The system provides immediate report generation after query by time, lifecycle status, keyword, etc., which can provide guidance data for the administrator's purchase plan.

Asset management also provides the function of reminding equipment service expiration. When the service contract of an equipment is about to expire, the administrator can receive the alarm information and notify the administrator to sign a new service contract in time.

For the special needs of the industry, the equipment is usually scrapped five years after purchase. The system can also provide a variety of customizable reminder functions to avoid problems such as a large number of equipment being difficult to manage when they are sent for repair or entering the scrapping stage, so as to provide humanized customization and reminder functions.

Flow analysis

Traffic monitoring on the core equipment of the network can clearly understand the traffic situation of the whole network. Network managers can get the details of users' utilization of network and application resources at the first time, and then plan and allocate resources efficiently to ensure the smooth flow of the network. Help Guohua Power solve the problem of "Who or applications are using network bandwidth? What services and applications occupy most of the enterprise's bandwidth? What network protocols are running in the network? During what period of time, the enterprise's business is at the peak? Can the entire network carry the existing business? If there is a problem with the network, where is the problem? What kind of business is most harmed? " And many other problems to improve the network management personnel's control over the network status. The following figure shows the ranking of application resources in the network traffic in the last hour:

Configuration change management

It provides change management of host, network equipment and application configuration. Once the configuration of IT components has changed, the administrator can receive alarm information by setting a baseline, and conduct risk assessment on each change to ensure that all configuration changes are within the controllable range.
Mocha BSM configuration change events comprehensively record the configuration changes that have occurred. The user only needs to customize the corresponding event view to filter out the configuration changes that need to be viewed by resources, time periods and other conditions. The resource status can clearly mark the configuration changes in front of each resource name, and all configuration changes can be seen by the user. At the same time, users can flexibly customize the roles and personnel receiving the configuration change alarm, and can send the alarm via email, SMS, voice (by automatically dialing the user's phone) Mocha Alert (desktop software that can instantly receive Mocha BSM alarms, which is easy to use and can set the types of alarms and alarm music to help customers respond quickly) and other alarm methods to ensure that configuration changes are automatically notified to all relevant personnel.

In addition, users can also baseline a group of configuration change records to indicate that a stable state or milestone has been reached after the group of changes (for example, a comprehensive upgrade of a server has been completed). Configuration change records are no longer simply sorted by time, but organized by baseline, so that users can manage changes in a more orderly manner.

Alarm management

Flexible alarm definition to meet various business requirements;
Multiple alarm modes;
Support alarm upgrade;
Report and report management;
Report template can be customized;
"What you see is what you get" report;

Multiple expert report templates;
Report and report subscription;

IT operation and maintenance management.

Mocha BSM's IT operation and maintenance management is based on the ITIL process framework, which helps Guohua Power improve its IT operation and maintenance capabilities in terms of personnel, technology and processes, and gradually establish and improve the following objectives:

Standardization - through ITIL's process framework, build IT operation and maintenance processes with best practices;
Process oriented - process most of the IT operation and maintenance work to ensure that these work can be repeated and completed with quality;
Automation - to effectively complete some daily work for enterprises, such as backup, anti-virus, etc.

Program highlights

Mocha BSM (Mocha BSM) products are used as the solution for IT resource monitoring in electric power. This solution solves the IT service problems faced by customers in actual work. The main highlights of this system are as follows:

Break the traditional monitoring bottleneck and adopt the monitoring mechanism starting from the business;
Experience IT services from the perspective of users;
Form a "three-step" fault analysis mechanism;
Monitor the running status, performance and availability of IT resources such as network equipment, hosts and applications in real time;
When a system fault is detected, it can quickly locate the main cause of the fault, estimate the impact of the system event on the business and its severity, and trigger the corresponding fault handling process. Mocha BSM system enables organizations to quickly and actively respond to customer requirements and obtain higher customer satisfaction;
Due to the integration of system monitoring and process processing with IT asset management, when monitoring the hardware configuration changes of resources, they can be synchronized to asset management through manual reset by the administrator. In addition, equipment purchase and requisition can also be synchronized to asset management through the process to automatically change the asset life cycle state. For the customized reminder function of IT assets, the administrator can be reminded in various ways when a large number of equipment is about to be repaired or maintained or is about to be scrapped;

Simple system management configuration, easy to configure the information of the monitored server, and the application data can be automatically obtained;
Through the portal system, unified integration can be carried out to achieve single sign on SSO, unified authorization and access control, integrated presentation and personalization and other functions, so that all modules of the system can work together seamlessly, providing a visual work platform for different user groups and roles such as IT service manager, system administrator, application administrator, etc;
It provides a wealth of reports, statistical reports, resource or indicator trends to assist in analysis and decision-making, and can regularly send reports on the historical information of resources that users care about through daily, weekly, monthly reports and other ways.

Customer benefits

At present, Mocha BSM system has been officially launched and used in China Youth Daily, and it runs stably, improving the monitoring and maintenance level of the network and application system. Through the implementation and use of Mocha BSM, the following benefits are obtained:

Traffic analysis to ensure smooth network and fast fault location

Mocha NTA helps enterprises analyze abnormal traffic in the network, quickly locate problems in the network, achieve efficient operation and maintenance, and solve the problem of slow and unstable network for network operation and maintenance personnel.

From the perspective of business, practically solve practical problems for users

It breaks the traditional network management software monitoring mode, monitors from a new business perspective, facilitates business and maintenance personnel to quickly locate problems, combs the complicated relationship between network and business, fundamentally solves the internal responsibility contradiction of IT department, and eliminates the occurrence of buck passing events.


No one is on duty for 24 hours without missing any trace

Mocha BSM helps users sort out the network environment through the network topology, and accurately grasp the interconnection between the LAN and WAN. When the link is blocked or handover occurs, it can quickly find the network equipment with problems in the network, trigger alarms, and display them through the network topology diagram.

Comply with ITU-X.733 specification, flexible alarm strategy, ensure that any minor event will not be missed, and can timely notify the network administrator to deal with the problem.

Improve administrator's work efficiency and reduce administrator's work pressure

Mocha BSM simplifies network monitoring deployment workload by automatically discovering network devices; Policy based management mechanism to help administrators quickly deploy network device monitoring; Help administrators quickly locate the root cause of failure by analyzing the root cause.

Breaking the traditional division of labor, IT operation and maintenance personnel are more closely connected with business personnel, always aiming to ensure the stable operation of the business, ensuring the continuous and stable operation of the business, and reducing unnecessary losses for the enterprise.

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