Information publicity of online store operators

Dingli Mobile Mall Online shop merchants

Credit rating:
Main business:
mobile phone ,
 The business has passed the qualification certification
Opening time:
National COD
contact number:
eighteen billion six hundred and ten million two hundred and ninety-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-two
Store address:
Zhongguancun Science Park, Haidian District, Beijing (online merchants)
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[Return and replacement process] Since 2016, mobile phones have been a special product, and all warranties are electronically scanned, so no invoice is required, so the warranty is directly scanned on the delivery side at the moment you place the order. So once the warranty is successfully handled, [seven days' return and replacement without reason will not be supported] If the user forcibly refunds, It needs to bear [30% of the penalty as the operator's warranty fee for outbound code scanning], [Please read before purchasing] Customers can also choose non contractual, but it is the operator's customized beta mobile phone system that is replaced. The customized mobile phone has a network lock and needs to be used locally on the order, and can be used normally only after regular swiping and unlocking, If you need a unlocked mobile phone, you can contact our customer service

 Shop anytime, anywhere It is more convenient to use mobile phones