Nanjing Geying Installation Machine (authorized dealer)

Online shop merchants
Credit rating:
Main business:
Graphics card monitor a main board
 The merchant has passed identity authentication  The merchant has passed the authorization authentication  The business has passed the qualification certification  Green channel for quick resolution of consumption disputes identified by the Administration for Industry and Commerce
Opening time:
contact number:
thirteen billion nine hundred and fifty-one million six hundred and seventy-nine thousand three hundred and twenty-one
Store address:
Headquarters: Room 711, Floor 7, Broadway Computer Plaza, 333 Zhujiang Road, Nanjing
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Kingston 1GB DDR2 400 (Reg ECC/KVR400D2D8R3/1G)

Purchase quantity
piece (Limited to 10 pieces)
Special instructions:
  • This product cannot be returned or replaced within seven days without reason
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Commodity classification

Store statistics
  • Total items: thirty thousand
  • Total number of messages: two hundred and sixty-four

Consultation box

(After selection, your message can only be seen by merchants. It is recommended that you select it when asking for private information such as price) zero /200 Post a message
Basic parameters
Memory type DDR2
Memory capacity 1GB
Pin 240pin
working frequency 400MHz
technical parameter
Encapsulation mode TSOP II
Memory check ECC calibration
Memory voltage 1.8V

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