The compilation of Hainan volumes of "China's National Human Geography" series was launched

14:46, January 14, 2020 Source: National Human Geography of China

On January 8, the Propaganda Department of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee organized a meeting in Haikou for the docking of the Hainan sub volume project of the "China National Human Geography" series. The editorial department of the "China National Human Geography" series, Hainan Publishing House, the Hainan sub volume compilation team and the heads of the municipal and county publicity departments attended the meeting.

Matchmaking meeting of Hainan Province sub volume project of "China National Human Geography" series

At the meeting, the Propaganda Department of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee deployed the work of sub volume compilation in Hainan Province, requiring all cities and counties to fully recognize the significance of sub volume compilation in Hainan Province, adhere to high quality, high standards, emphasize the awareness of quality products, and do a solid and meticulous job of compilation. The editorial department of the "National Human Geography of China" series explained the compilation style and norms of the Hainan sub volumes of the series, and had in-depth communication and exchange with the compilation team on the compilation outline of the city and county sub volumes.

In order to promote the compilation of the volumes of the "National Human Geography of China" series in Hainan Province, the Propaganda Department of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee established a compilation guidance committee headed by Xiao Yingzi, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and head of the Propaganda Department, to coordinate the compilation of the volumes of 19 cities and counties in the province; A compilation team of 19 cities and counties will be set up to take charge of the writing work, and the publicity departments of each city and county will participate in the provision of relevant materials, forming a working mechanism of overall guidance, linkage between the upper and lower levels, special person responsibility and mutual cooperation, so as to ensure that all the 19 cities and counties in Hainan Province will be published in November 2020, and will be released on schedule at the Second Hainan Island International Book (Tourism) Expo.

With 19 cities and counties in Hainan Province as the unit, the volume of China National Human Geography will comprehensively display the unique historical context, humanistic spirit, natural resources, ecological environment and economic and social development of each city and county, summarize and refine the classic regional culture, create a fresh city card, further tell the story of Hainan, and spread the voice of Hainan, Display the image of Hainan, let China and the world better understand Hainan, pay attention to Hainan, boost the construction of Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Port, and better serve the overall situation of accelerating the construction of a beautiful new Hainan.

(Editor in charge: Li Huibo, Dong Jing)