Jiangmen City of Gastronomy

14:04, March 21, 2019 Source: National Human Geography of China

Xinhui tangerine peel

Xinhui tangerine peel is produced in Xinhui District and enjoys a high reputation for its unique fragrance and medicinal quality. It is sold to the whole country, Southeast Asia, America and other regions.

Citrus tangerine peel is produced in tea twig citrus, among which red lemon, Jiangxi red orange and soft twig sour orange are the most popular. The citrus peel picked can be divided into green peel, micro red peel and big red peel according to different seasons. Peel shall be peeled with three or two symmetrical knives. After air drying or low temperature drying, the peel shall be stored in a ventilated, high and dry place, away from the ground, wall and roof. After about three years of aging, Xinhui tangerine peel was made.

Braised Goose in Gujing

Gujing Roasted Goose is a famous Xinhui specialty, and it is also a traditional folk handicraft with local characteristics. It originated more than 700 years ago and was passed down by the imperial chefs who went into exile with the Southern Song Dynasty to Yashan in Xinhui.

Gujing Roasted Goose is carefully selected. Kaiping Magang Goose, one of the four famous geese in Guangdong Province, is the top grade. Magang Goose has thin skin and fine meat, moderate fat, and delicious taste. Magang goose, which has been released for 50 days, is sweet and juicy. It is most suitable for making roast goose. When making, the goose is cut, peeled and cleaned, and the sauce made of garlic, sesame powder, soy sauce, tangerine peel, ginger, wine, etc. is poured into the goose cavity. The goose skin is coated with honey or maltose, and then cured inside and outside, hung in a narrow and thick walled vat. The dehydrated litchi wood blackened by exposure for a year is used as fuel and baked with open fire. The litchi wood has a sweet smell, less smoke and fat, The roasted goose is golden, crisp, juicy and delicious.

In Gujing, a famous Tiancheng Roasted Goose Street has formed, among which "Hengyi Roasted Goose" and "Pingxiang Roasted Goose" are the most famous. There is a saying that "local people eat Hengyi, and outsiders eat Pingxiang".

Outer sea surface

Waihai Sea is a classic traditional noodle snack in Jiangmen City. It is also called "Waihai Bamboo Noodles" because it is produced in Waihai Town. It has a history of more than 100 years. In addition to using fine flour to add fresh eggs in proportion, the production process also needs to use "bamboo liters (similar to rolling pin bamboo sticks)" after mixing to increase the strength. The "Zhusheng" should be thick. After mixing, the master should ride on the head of the bamboo pole, step on the bamboo pole with his foot pedal to roll the dough, and move while pressing to make the dough evenly stressed and spread into thin cakes. After one or two hours, knead and pull the dough into silver thin noodles, which are refreshing and full of egg flavor. When boiling, first scald the noodles with boiling water until they are loose, then take out the supercooled water, and then blanch them with boiling water. Put ingredients such as vegetables or wonton into the bowl, and pour them with boiling water. The noodles will be refreshing and elastic.

Taishan eel rice

It is made of fat eel with thick fingers and high-quality rice produced locally in Taishan, together with shredded ginger, scallion, etc., controlled the heat, and cooked in earthen pot. The rice is golden and bright, and the eel meat is delicate and long. The rice and the eel meat are delicious. The nutritional value of monopterus albus is extremely high. It has the effect of strengthening the body, nourishing, nourishing, and nourishing the blood. Taishan eel rice originates from Shuibu, and now has a long reputation. As far away as the United States and Canada, there are Taishan eel rice franchised stores, the first of which is "Xinghua eel rice restaurant".

Enpinglai Powder

Lai powder was originally created in Xiangshan County (now Zhongshan City) in the thirtieth year of Daoguang's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1850). It is famous for its "tough, crisp and smooth" taste. Now it is mainly popular in Kaiping, Enping and other places. Enping is the most authentic, so it is called "Enping Lai powder". The main method is to use sticky rice as the main raw material, preferably October new rice, mash it into powder, add water to mix it into a slurry of moderate consistency, make rice dough, and put it into the Lai Fen wood trough on the boiling water pot for extrusion to make Lai Fen. During the Mid Autumn Festival, Lai flour is often the staple food in northern Enping. When eating, it is scalded with boiling water, added with soup, and then it becomes a unique dish of wrasse powder. It has another flavor when added with white sugar liquor.

dried tangerine peel

Sesame Goose in Ancient Well with Attractive Color

Bamboo booster surface

Outer sea drying

Lai powder

Rice with Monopterus albus

(Editor in charge: Jia Weiwen, Zhang Wei)