"China's National Human Geography" Series Collected in the British Library

17:10, March 20, 2019 Source: National Human Geography of China

On October 12, 2018, the overseas press conference of "Exploring China's Urban Features" - "China's National Human Geography" series and the overseas promotion of Chinese cities were held in the British Library in London, England. Xiang Xiaowei, Cultural Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, Wang Baomin, Chairman of China Map Publishing Group, Hamish, Head of East Asia Collection Department of British Library? Todd, Ms. Frances Wood, the former head of the Chinese Department of the British Library and a famous sinologist, Theo, the chief financial officer and group director of Lonely Planet, as well as representatives from Qingdao, Yichun, Huzhou and other cities in China, and from the British General Chamber of Commerce, the British Chinese Understanding Association, Alain Charles Asia Publishing Group Representatives of Quintessential Travel Group and more than 70 guests attended the conference.

Guests ceremoniously unveil the series of Chinese National Human Geography

The "National Human Geography of China" series is a major national publishing project and urban external publicity platform during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, led by relevant national departments and organized and implemented by China Map Publishing Group, in accordance with the requirements of the central government to enhance the country's cultural soft power and build a socialist cultural power. The series takes Chinese cities as geographical units, and takes "inheriting history and culture, demonstrating geographical conditions, publicizing development achievements, and depicting urban blueprints" as its orientation, presenting the essence of Chinese culture and Chinese cities to the public. The series is published and distributed to the world by China Map Publishing Group.

Xiang Xiaowei said in his speech that in the "golden age" of China UK relations, cultural exchanges are an important part of bilateral exchanges and cooperation. As an encyclopedia of urban human geography in China, the "China National Human Geography" series provides British people with a key way to interpret the genetic code of Chinese culture, builds a bridge to promote cultural exchanges between China and Britain, and expects the essence of Chinese and British cultures to have a wonderful "chemical reaction" to the way of thinking and lifestyle of the two peoples.

Ms. Frances Wood said in her speech that "China's National Human Geography" series can be called a masterpiece in the great cause of cultural exchanges between China and Britain. With Chinese cities as the starting point, British readers will have the opportunity to understand China more comprehensively and concretely. The publication of the series plays an important role in the mutual understanding between the Chinese and British people.

At the press conference, Xiang Xiaowei, Wang Baomin, Hamish? Todd, Frances Wood, Western Olympic and other guests jointly unveiled the series of "China's National Human Geography" at the event site, and 30 cities including Beijing, Huzhou, Yichun, Fushun, Liaoyang, Putian, Haidong and other sub volumes appeared in the UK for the first time. At the subsequent book gift ceremony, Wang Baomin presented the "National Human Geography of China" series to the British Library. Hamish? Todd said that the British Library will index the books as soon as possible for British readers to consult.

In the "city promotion" segment of the conference, representatives from the Chinese cities of Huzhou and Yichun showed their city cards respectively, and shared the ways and experiences of urban development with the guests and media present.

(Editor in charge: Jia Weiwen, Zhang Wei)