Father and son riding bicycles 205

This small scene was encountered when filming Trek's bicycle.
A father took his children to the Trek store to buy bicycles.
When shopping, the father asked the boss many professional questions.
There is a contradiction between the two bicycles: if you buy a children's bicycle, the children will soon ride smaller; Children feel uncomfortable riding small bikes.
In order to let the children experience, the boss fitted the bicycle with pedals, and the children went outside for a few laps.
Children don't want children's cars.
After choosing the bicycle, the helmet, tail lamp, and brace are all equipped.
Before paying the money, the father of the child told the child for the last time that after you buy the car, you must ride with me in the future.
The child agreed immediately.
It seems that the child's father is also a cyclist. We can also guess that it must be the father of the child who usually rides a bicycle. The child looks greedy and wants to follow him.
So I bought a bike for my child.
Adults' hobbies, as long as they can persist, will certainly have an impact on children. If parents can take their children to ride together, their children will also love riding bicycles.
The reason why my children like riding bicycles is that I gave them mountain bikes to ride to school by themselves. Usually, I also talk about riding at home. All these things have an impact on the children.
Now, children's obsession with cycling is more serious than mine.
The growth of cycling team is not only because more young people join in, but also because it is important for adults to cultivate children's interest in cycling.
In 196, a family of four cyclists in the circle of friends, a colleague saw another colleague's family riding, and a colleague bought a bike for the child, all of which were to cultivate the child's interest in riding.
We support children's cycling, which is not only for the cultivation of children's interests. Children's participation in cycling activities, at least for a meaningful sport, is more conducive to growth than brushing mobile phones.
However, we should also control the children's cycling and not let them neglect their studies because of cycling.
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