The bicycle must be maintained before it breaks down 203

my Dahang P8 I bought it online.

I didn't know if there was a bicycle nearby when I bought it Dahang bicycle exclusive shop. Once when I went out to eat, I saw a big store outside a shopping mall.

I have long wanted to do a major maintenance for my bike to get rid of those small problems and make it more comfortable to ride.

Procrastination is a chronic problem, which affects cycling (see details in "").

Find the telephone number of Dahang Bicycle Shop on the Internet to inquire about the price of major maintenance. The boss asked for three hundred.

I also had the previous bike serviced once a year. At first, the cost of full disassembly and reassembly was 110 (for maintenance at Sidson), and the price of the last maintenance was 200 (for maintenance at Phoenix Store). This is also a price increase.

Whether online or in exclusive stores, selling finished products is the most worry free.

It may also be that the cost of manual maintenance of bicycles is too high. Many shop owners do not like to repair bicycles for cyclists. This problem has been discussed in several articles before, and most cyclists do their own maintenance of bicycles.

Today's bicycles are more and more simple in structure. Unlike the bicycles of the past, dismantling bicycles is like repairing cars.

This time, the bicycle problem is a lesson. It seems that it has delayed the ride for several days. If it breaks down on the road to the extent that it cannot be repaired by itself, it will be a big trouble. Not to mention that there are fewer and fewer bicycle repairs now. There is little chance of encountering people in the wilderness.

I rented a bicycle in Giant to ride around Yangma Island The inner tube of the bicycle is aging and deflates. I have walked several villages without finding a place to repair the tire.

Not to mention how embarrassed.

The purpose of writing this article is also to remind yourself that you should always do a good job in the maintenance of your bike, and don't let the bike chain fall off at a critical time.

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