Why do some people give up cycling? two hundred and two

my Dahang P8 It was bought in 2020, which is not only a transportation tool for my surrounding activities, but also a sports equipment for my riding. It can be said that the small body of the Dahang P8 has taken on too much work.

On the other hand, those tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of bicycles in the bicycle store, in addition to riding at a speed, take children to school to try! To conclude, those expensive bicycles are too specialized.

Recently, my big travel P8 began to have problems. When I pedal, I will pedal empty with a little effort, and chain dropping has become a common occurrence.

When commuting, you should be careful and slow. If you fall off the chain at the zebra crossing, you will be very embarrassed.

This also affected my cycling. The old man's rhythm of shopping by bike has also lost his sense of movement.

For a novice, after buying a bicycle, he wants to sit on it all the time. This temporary enthusiasm for riding is easy to encounter the interruption of habits.

For example, in my current situation, I went on two business trips and didn't ride for six days; You can't ride for five days on business next week. In order to save time, send Dahang P8 to the store for major maintenance before business trip.

When I consulted with Dahang P8 for maintenance, the boss said that spring was busy, and there were many people consulting and buying cars. It would take two days to complete the maintenance.

This is the same as my observation.

In spring, when everything recovers and the weather gets warmer, people also need to exercise. Every project will be joined by new members. Slowly, some people continue to like it. Some people don't like it and like other projects.

This year, some cyclists have become more and more fond of cycling, and some have changed the track.

Winter is a big challenge for northerners.

Winter is like a dragon gate. Once you cross it, you will become a loyal enthusiast of cycling. If you can't cross it, you will sell second-hand cars in the spring.

Recently, there have been fewer articles about cycling in Rushihuli. In fact, I didn't go cycling as usual. But I'm not a novice. Even if I don't ride for a month, let Ran return to riding.

This is riding life.

Riding a bicycle is happy and simple, but it is the most difficult to persist in this cycle.

The reason for leaving the bike is that you can't persist in trivial matters.

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