Research travel: Without knowledge, where can I study?

During the summer vacation, it was heartache to see several videos of students studying and watching children eating boxed lunch standing on the road. If there is no video, children go home and tell adults to eat boxed lunch. How can adults imagine children eating boxed lunch on the road?

What is research? Studying is just a tourism project selected by children. Adults see rare, children see museums, adults take photos in front of the scenery, and children take photos at the university gate. What do you study? Learn what? I'm afraid it doesn't have much to do with research knowledge. Even though there are many collections in the museum, who can interpret them?

Not to mention the children's travel market, the adults' travel experience is not so good. The tourist market in Yunnan has been thunderstruck all the time, but it has just exploded. This is still a law conscious adult. How much do children know about law? Where can we protect our rights.

Maybe many adults have no time to watch their children at home, spend money to let them go out for a few days, and enjoy a few days of leisure at home.

I have never understood why the organization's research is a tourism organization rather than a training school? Research is learning and education. Practitioners should at least be qualified as teachers. They can't just bring a few people to educate their children. Moreover, many research practitioners have low academic qualifications.

What kind of research do children need? Take a quick look or stop to take photos? The main focus of research is knowledge, not superficial to see. In the past, many people said that children would be very impressed with knowledge if they went to the classics in a textbook, but would they be so impressed if they went to every scenic spot in the textbook?

Research, there should be people who can do knowledge to organize, teach children how to do knowledge, what are the methods of doing knowledge, and so on. Traveling in the name of studying is just a waste of money. Oh, it may activate the tourism market.

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Flower drum does not flower

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