Why can't young people save money?

The reason why many people have empty pockets is not that they make little money and have bad consumption habits. No amount of money can be imported. The habit of spending money casually is like the hole in the sheepfold. If they can't fix it, they will lose sheep forever.

Now young people have a bad habit of using credit cards. It's not just a problem of holes in the sheepfold. It's a problem of tying a wolf in the sheepfold. Credit cards can't solve the problem of eating, nor can they make you realize the problem of interest free working capital, but they just advance the future labor payment.

The stinginess of the parents supports the young people's life
Many young people "laugh" at their parents in terms of consumption habits. They feel that they are reluctant to eat or wear, and like to "save" things. Their concept is "not panic when you have food in your hand". Although we have achieved great material wealth, these material reserves do not belong to us. You must have the capital to exchange these materials. The material in our hands is the safest, just like the refrigerator filled by our parents.

The money saved in hand is an emergency need and may also be a source of funds for business.

Now it is said everywhere that young people are lying flat. If it is true, it cannot be said that all young people are lying flat. Someone must still be struggling hard. What we enjoyed when we were young was not enjoyment, but a temporary pleasure. For example, if you drink a cup of coffee less than twice a week, the week will still pass. As long as you can drink a cup of coffee on Sunday, the two cups of coffee left on Wednesday and Thursday will not lose anything, but will save you money for two cups of coffee.

I remember a friend who suddenly said that he wanted to quit smoking one day and put his money in a drawer every time he bought cigarettes. At the end of the year, I saved a large sum of money, with which the whole family had a happy Spring Festival.

Some money can be saved.

For young people wandering in the city, the rent is not a small expense, and the rent only pays for sleeping. For people, a house is not only a place to live, but also a place to go home to cook. If they only know how to order takeout, it is equivalent to paying an extra rent during the meal. The rent of the merchants is added to the meal.

In fact, everyone can see the difficulties of young people, but young people should not lay down their lives. In addition to buying a house and getting married, there are many meaningful things to do. And regular saving is a way to resist risks, a determination to resist temptation, and also an exercise of perseverance. No matter how much, save a little money.

 Flower drum does not flower
Flower drum does not flower

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Article: 672


  1. It is easy to go from thrift to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to thrift.
    With the development of information, we can see too many good things, desire, and temptation to consume.

  2. In my opinion, money is not saved, it should be earned back to seek higher salary returns, so as to fundamentally solve the dilemma of less hate when using money. But one thing is to be down-to-earth. When your pocket is only 100 yuan, don't spend more than 99 yuan. Overdraft will only make you harder in the next month.

  3. The general environment is not good. You can't save if you want to. However, I think self-discipline is the only way to choose in the future.

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