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Tieling: College works with community to promote skills training

Published on: June 4, 2024 Edited by: Li Xue, Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security Source: Tieling Human Resources Affairs Service Center

On May 9, the activity room of Maoshan Community in Tieling Economic and Technological Development Zone was full, and community residents actively participated in the short video training course jointly organized by Tieling Technician College and the community.

"In this digital and visual era, short videos have become an indispensable part of our lives. Short videos include science popularization, film and television commentary, funny, food and cosmetics and many other types..." In the training class, Wang Ji, trainer of Tieling Technician College, went straight to the theme, combined with the carefully prepared PPT, Explain the short video classification, lighting, composition and other knowledge to community residents through the combination of pictures and text.

After explaining the theoretical knowledge, Wang Ji went to the residents to teach them shooting skills hand by hand, and gave guidance and pointed out the shortcomings of the works taken by the residents.

"This training is all dry goods, especially thirst quenching." Wang Xing, a community resident, said that he was responsible for publicity work in his unit. Through this study, he not only deepened theoretical knowledge, but also mastered practical shooting methods. At the same time, the knowledge and skills learned can also be used in life to add flavor to life.

On April 8 of this year, the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau led a team to visit Maoshan Community. In view of the concentration of residents with training needs in the community, they introduced in detail the relevant situation of the Tieling "College+Community (Village)" training alliance launched this year to the community, and proposed that the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau should take the lead to organize Tieling Technician College and Maoshan Community to jointly build a training station, Give full play to the role of Tieling Technician College in socialized training, go into the community and provide on-site training to help community residents improve their job skills and better realize employment.

   "Unexpectedly, within less than a month, we carried out the first training, and the work efficiency was really high." Guo Ying, secretary of the party branch of Maoshan Community, said that next, the community will closely interact with Tieling Technician College, launch targeted training courses, and achieve the effective docking of residents' training needs and training resources. (Tieling Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)