Jia Kang: How can individual income tax grow so fast when people talk about tax reduction?

08:32, August 15, 2018

The Ministry of Finance recently announced the fiscal revenue and expenditure in July 2018, and disclosed that the accumulated personal income tax revenue from January to July was 922.5 billion yuan, up 20.6% year on year. According to media reports, this figure has exceeded the individual income tax of 2015. This gives many people a feeling that they are talking about tax cuts. How can individual income tax grow so fast? The trial analysis is as follows

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Jia Kang: Individual income tax threshold should not be raised too high at one time

14:14, July 5, 2018

If the current tax system remains unchanged and the individual income tax threshold is only raised to 10000 yuan, without considering the "five insurances and one fund", it can be calculated that the tax reduction range for taxpayers with a monthly income of less than 10000 yuan is 0.1 yuan to 745 yuan. Taxpayers with a monthly income of 100000 yuan will be reduced by 2925 yuan, and 2180 yuan more than the former. This is obviously against the original intention of individual income tax adjustment

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Jia Kang: Some Mistaken Ideas of Direct Tax Reform

07:30, May 31, 2018

I insist that we should discuss extensively, seek the greatest common denominator and seek modern tax system solutions through public participation and fully recognize the demands of different interest groups

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Jia Kang: Real estate market regulation should speed up the pace of root causes

10:28, April 25, 2018

To solve the fundamental problem of the property market at a deeper level, we must sum up the past gains and losses, promote the "dual track planning" system framework of the property market, together with institutional changes in land, investment and financing, taxes and fees, and work together to overcome difficulties

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What is the relationship between real estate and the real economy

22:33, March 15, 2018

The real estate industry cannot be identified as non real economy. But the real estate industry and other components of the real economy, there is a difference that deserves attention

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