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Professional or college, popular or interesting, experts suggest——

Personal advantages should be taken into consideration when filling in college entrance examination volunteers. Don't follow the trend blindly

Source: Science and Technology Daily
2024-06-14 11:10

Original title: major or college, popular or interest, expert advice - (quotation)

Personal advantages should be taken into consideration when filling in college entrance examination volunteers, instead of blindly following the trend (theme)

Science and Technology Daily reporter Zhang Gelun

In late June, college entrance examination scores will be released. Volunteering has become the most concerned topic of parents and examinees. Whether to choose a major or a college, and whether to choose a popular one or an interesting one, these seemingly trite questions become parents' vexation after the college entrance examination ends every year.

On June 13, the WeChat official account of the Ministry of Education, "Weiyan Education", issued an article specifically introducing the strategy of volunteer filling in. On the same day, at the 2024 Quark College Entrance Examination Information Service Media Communication Meeting, "Wisdom enlightens the future as you wish", many experts also discussed the pain points and difficulties of volunteer filling.

In fact, filling in a volunteer is also a process of finding information, sorting out information and making decisions. In the areas where the "new college entrance examination" is implemented, there is more freedom in selecting subjects, a wider range of colleges and universities, and a substantial increase in the number of volunteers that can be reported, which puts forward higher requirements for parents and examinees' ability to search for information.

To fill in a good volunteer, first of all, you need to understand the relevant policies of volunteer filling in and do your homework well.

Lou Lei, an expert on the interpretation of the college entrance examination policy, said that some parents do not know enough about the admission policy, and the data is not accurate and effective enough; Some parents and examinees began to consider volunteering after their scores were obtained. Lou Lei believes that we can actually prepare in advance. After knowing the child's personality, ambition and achievement range, parents can start to collect information and determine the general scope and direction.

"No expert can solve all the problems of voluntary reporting." Lou Lei said that some parents hope to learn the skills of voluntary reporting by reading a few articles and watching a few short videos, but these understandings are not systematic. The high price one-on-one volunteer filling guidance service in the market is actually unnecessary. "Parents know their children best. We should use good tools and combine the actual situation to complete the report." Lou Lei suggested.

In recent years, artificial intelligence is very popular. It can also be seen from Quark's professional search trend that AI related majors are the "hot cakes" in the hearts of parents and students.

Li Yongpei, former headmaster of Ningbo Middle School in Zhejiang Province and a physics teacher of Zhejiang Province, reminded that from the perspective of students, they should at least meet the following conditions if they want to become talents in the industry and be interested in AI. First of all, I have a strong interest in computer science, "because I can't stick to it without interest". Secondly, there should also be professional foundations, such as mathematical and physical foundations and statistical foundations. Without these, it will be difficult to go far. In addition, AI is a problem solving specialty, so we should have an open mind and the ability to solve problems. "When filling in the application form, you should first consider your own advantages and potential, and find out whether you are ambitious or not," Li Yongpei said.

Do you want to choose a popular major? Many experts mentioned the importance of interest.

"I should feel good about a popular major if no one else thinks it is good," Lou Lei said. "You can go to the college graduation class and ask how many candidates remain in this major after completing their major. Most of them are interested in it and have precious opportunities in the learning process."

Yue Changjun, a professor at the School of Education of Peking University, said frankly that the willingness of the candidates is the most important. In his year-round survey on the employment of college graduates, he found that if students are interested in their majors and willing to learn, they will not only have good academic performance, but also have a greater opportunity to graduate and enter higher education. They are more likely to find jobs and have higher income satisfaction. Of course, ideally, candidates can combine their strengths, interests, majors and market demands. "The majors that are popular now may not be popular in a few years' time; the majors that are not popular actually have needs in the market, but the demand is relatively small. Some majors seem to be unpopular, but the country needs them," said Yue Changjun.

Moreover, in this changing era, the cultivation of analytical thinking, innovative thinking, flexibility and adaptability, self drive and lifelong learning... these abilities are more important than professional selection. "No matter what school you go to or what major you study, as long as you have these qualities, you will have the ability to meet future challenges," said Yue Changjun.

(Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, June 13)

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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