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Xu Mengxin: Go through fire and water

Source: Jiaxing Daily
2024-06-13 11:47

Original title:

Xu Mengxin: Go through fire and water

Jiaxing Daily reporter Zhou Mingli Correspondent Zhu Lin, Fan Yuting, Jia Yinqing

Model Worker Business Card:

Xu Mengxin, monitor of the second shift of Nanhu Fire Rescue Station

Motto of model worker:

Shoulder the responsibility and mission, and fulfill the oath of serving the people with actions


"This is a foam water tanker, with the cab and crew room in front and several warehouses behind equipped." Nanhu Fire Rescue Station is located in the north of Nanxi Garden Phase I, Nanhu District. At noon in early summer, the sun was shining brightly, but the barracks was quiet. When passing the fire garage, Xu Mengxin became a commentator in the face of reporters' questions. There are dozens of fire-fighting and rescue equipment loaded on the vehicle, and he can tell the name, purpose and use method of each one at random, which is a proper "learning bully" style.

Xu Mengxin is the youngest model worker in Nanhu District. He is only 25 years old this year, but he has joined Nanhu Fire Fighting for 8 years, and is the backbone of Nanhu Fire Fighting.

When he was 17 years old, he signed up for the army and came to Nanhu Fire Fighting (a firefighter before the reform). His first stop was the Nanhu Squadron of Lotus Beach at that time. When he took part in the rescue for the first time, he sat on a tall fire engine. He was very excited and green. "He felt that he was a bit powerful and could save people."

Saving people requires hard skills. 17-year-old Xu Mengxin soon found that he could do nothing, could not keep up with his physical strength, could not operate equipment, and had much to learn. However, his internal drive was extremely strong. In the morning, before everyone got up, he had already run fifteen or six kilometers; During the noon break, he did not sleep and became familiar with the equipment by the fire truck; At night, I was the last one to go to bed and practice my physical fitness.

"He works meticulously and persistently. This guy can bear hardships!" Everyone saw Xu Mengxin's efforts. When he was preparing for the competition, he held the rope in his sleep and tied the knot, so many blisters came out on his hands. He worked as a fire truck driver for three years. When he was on a mission, the driver was responsible for key operations such as connecting the water hose. In order to train faster in the martial arts competition, he was knocked unconscious by the suction pipe at the waist. He was also shocked because of his hard practice and physical exhaustion.

He has participated in the martial arts competition organized by Jiaxing Fire Rescue Detachment for seven consecutive years, and won the first place in the "100m Obstacle Rescue Exercise" and the second place in the "Suction Pipe Connection Exercise"... His efforts have paid off. Over the years, he has been "alone" in many fields in the city's fire brigade competitions. "Excellent Volunteer", "Excellent Firefighter" and "Excellent League Member"...... For his outstanding performance, he has won a lot of certificates, many honors, 6 fire protection awards and 1 government award.

In fire fighting and rescue, a quick step may save more lives and save more losses. Over the past eight years, he has participated in numerous rescue operations. With his superb skills, he has protected the lives and property of the people, as well as the lives of his teammates and himself.

He saved people on the rooftop who wanted to commit suicide, protected the water heater on the roof that was tottering, took off the hornet nest outside the high-rise building, and put out the fire in the back kitchen of the hotel. The huge thrust of the fire wall not only forced him to step backward, but also the fiery tongue of fire even rushed to his body... As a fireman, the danger was like a shadow. As the backbone of the South Lake fire rescue, Xu Mengxin successfully completed each rescue with his rich practical experience and super knowledge reserves.

Today, Xu Mengxin is also one of the only two safety officers in Nanhu Fire Rescue Station. He is responsible for curbing casualties in combat training and ensuring the life safety of fire rescue personnel. He should analyze and judge the safety problems in the team's combat training work on a daily basis, organize regular warning education and review of war evaluation cases, improve tactical tactics, and address the existing security risks and weaknesses, Optimize and improve the operational training plan, and constantly improve the professionalism and combat effectiveness of the team.

"The more I do this job, the more I like it. I'm really happy to help others and protect others." This 25 year old young man who has "early born Huafa" is running at full speed for his dream.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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