Zhonggong Entertainment

"Shared employees" cannot become cheap labor

Source: hubei daily
2024-05-24 10:53

Original title: "Shared employees" cannot become cheap labor

This spring recruitment market, the word "sharing employees" is very popular. Some people say that "shared employees" are disguised as "labor dispatch", "outsourcing" and "temporary workers". Experts say that the concept of "shared employees" should be clarified from the root, otherwise the normal labor contract order will be destroyed and the legitimate rights and interests of workers cannot be effectively protected. (May 23, Workers' Daily)

The emergence of "shared employees" was originally to revitalize the idle labor force in some industries, realize the redistribution of human resources, and alleviate the "labor shortage" problem in other industries. Some workers who choose "sharing employment" do not belong to any enterprise, but conduct short-term cooperation with the enterprise on a certain project. However, some employers employ "fake sharing", but the responsibility is "real dumping". For example, they use "shared employees" to avoid employment risks, and gradually replace labor contract employment with "shared employees" to reduce social security payment and other costs. There are also some problems in "sharing employees", such as unclear employment responsibilities among enterprises, and easily damaged workers' rights and interests.

"Sharing employees" cannot become the "cheap labor" of employers, but a tool for enterprises to avoid employment responsibilities. As for the "shared employee" model, the supervision should follow up in a timely manner, establish and improve relevant labor laws and regulations and supervision mechanisms, solve the problem of difficult definition of labor relations between "shared employment" labor and capital, clarify the rights and responsibilities of both labor and capital, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of both labor and capital. The labor supervision department should strengthen the supervision of relevant platforms and enterprises, strengthen the punishment of illegal acts, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of practitioners. Practitioners who "share employment" should also enhance their awareness of rights protection and law. Before cooperating with the employing unit, they should be able to determine labor relations, work tasks, salaries, working hours, working places, etc., so as to avoid conflicts and disputes afterwards and protect their legitimate rights and interests.

"Shared employees" should be able to share benefits. Only by ensuring that shared employment is legal and compliant can we achieve a win-win situation for workers, enterprises and other parties and promote the long-term development of this flexible employment model. Dai Xianren

Editor in charge: queen

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