Taiyuan people pay attention! Guide for Public Selection of Civil Servants for Provincial Authorities in Shanxi Province in 2023

2023-08-26 20:05:42 Source: Taiyuan Radio and TV Station Zongguang

1. How to define the starting time of grass-roots work experience?

(Related data drawing)

Answer: The starting time of grass-roots work experience should be defined according to the principle of seeking truth from facts, objectivity and fairness. For example, for those who work in grass-roots party and government organs, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises, the time of grass-roots work experience is generally counted from the date of reporting; For those who work in other economic organizations, social organizations and other units, the time of grass-roots work experience is generally calculated from the starting time agreed in the labor contract.

The working time of the basic level can be calculated cumulatively.

2. What circumstances cannot be identified as grass-roots work experience?

A: The grass-roots work experience should be strictly screened and accurately identified. For example, those who have not actually worked at the grass-roots level, such as seconding to a superior department during their work at the grass-roots level, cannot be considered as grass-roots work experience. For those who have obtained full-time education after work, full-time study time shall not be included in grass-roots work experience.

3. How should the working time in the organ at the same level be calculated?

Answer: The working time in the organ at the same level is calculated by the official working time (including the probation period).

4. Can the working hours in different organs at the same level be accumulated?

Answer: Yes. For example, if a candidate has worked in two county-level organs successively, his/her working time in county-level organs can be calculated cumulatively.

5. How to grasp the educational background and degree required in the position application form?

Answer: The education level required for the position refers to the learning experience that meets the requirements of the position, including ordinary college education and other national education of non ordinary higher education. Graduates of other forms of national education (self-study examination, adult education, online education, night university, radio and television university, etc. The educational background, degree and major used by applicants must be corresponding.

6. How to understand the appointment and removal organs (units)?

Answer: The appointment and removal organ (unit) refers to the organ (unit) that has the authority to appoint and remove applicants according to the cadre management authority.

7. In the process of applying for this public selection, what should we do if we are selected as a civil servant by a municipal authority or a staff member of an administrative organ (unit) referring to the Civil Servant Law?

Answer: In the process of participating in the public selection of civil servants by provincial authorities, candidates who are selected as civil servants of municipal authorities or staff of administrative organs (units) referring to the Civil Servant Law should truthfully report the situation, and stop participating in the public selection of provincial authorities. The selection department will no longer list them as candidates for interview, physical examination, investigation and publicity.

8. Is there any examination guidance book for the public selection of civil servants by provincial authorities? Are training courses held?

A: This time, the provincial authorities publicly select civil servants. They do not publish or designate a book for examination guidance. They do not hold or entrust any institution or individual to hold training courses for examination guidance. At present, the examination training, websites or publications related to civil servants have nothing to do with this examination. Please be vigilant. Don't be misled or interfered, or be deceived, To jointly maintain a good examination order.

9. What is the scope of application of the Guide for Public Selection of Civil Servants by Provincial Authorities in Shanxi Province in 2023?

Answer: The Guide to Public Selection of Civil Servants by Provincial Authorities in Shanxi Province in 2023 is only applicable to this public selection.

Source: Taiyuan Three Branches and One Support


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