Nanjing Pukou Qiaolin Street signed a waste classification commitment with the park scenic spot

2023-05-18 14:45:01 Source: Modern Express All Media

(Data map)

Modern Express News (reporter Zhao Dandan) Recently, Nanjing Pukou District Garbage Branch Office held a news conference on garbage classification of "volunteer service 'fun' classification, beautifying the new appearance of the scenic spot" in Qiaolin Street. Qiaolin Street Garbage Branch Office and the parks and scenic spots under its jurisdiction formed a joint construction unit, signed a letter of commitment on garbage classification, and promised to guide tourists to enhance their awareness of domestic garbage classification, Develop the good habit of garbage classification.

Pukou District has always adhered to the principle of "government leadership, public participation, social coordination, and systematic promotion", established and improved the whole process classification system of domestic waste classified release, collection, transportation, and disposal, improved the level of domestic waste reduction, recycling, and harmless, and encouraged social groups and volunteers to participate in domestic waste management services, Promote the whole society to participate in waste classification.

At the activity site, Qiaolin Street Garbage Branch Office and the parks and scenic spots under its jurisdiction formed a co construction unit and signed a garbage classification commitment letter. The park scenic spot promises to actively guide tourists to participate in garbage classification, further promote the garbage classification habit to take root in each park scenic spot, and protect every beautiful scenic line in Pukou with volunteer services. At the same time, a garbage classification propaganda point was set up in the Qiaolin Street Park. The "Pu Xiaojing" Rainbow Volunteer Service Team regularly carried out garbage classification knowledge propaganda, patiently answered the garbage classification problems encountered in daily life, and held on-site interactive games, so that visitors can learn garbage classification knowledge and understand the significance of garbage classification while playing. Many tourists said that they would start from around and from every bit, consciously fulfill their garbage classification obligations, and develop the habit of cherishing resources and saving energy. (Courtesy of Qiaolin Street, Pukou)


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