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      County leaders went to the county financial media center to visit journalists

      Released on November 17, 2023-17 at 06:53:03, Long term effective , 94 Browse
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    2023-11-10 Source: Raoping County Government Website

    November 8 this year is the 24th Chinese Journalists' Day. In the afternoon of the same day, Chen Chuangyang, the deputy secretary of the county party committee, and the leaders of the publicity department of the county party committee went to the county financial media center to pay a visit to the journalists who fought on the front line, extend holiday greetings and sincere wishes to them, and send a message to all journalists in the county to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, focus on the center, and go deep into the grass-roots front line, Reflect the voice of the masses with the lens and brush strokes, further tell the story of Raoping, show the beautiful image of Raoping, and gather strong positive energy for the high-quality development of Raoping.

    Chen Chuangyang and his party walked into the news information collection center, editing center, broadcasting department and other departments of the county financial media center, exchanged cordially with front-line editorial staff, learned about information release, public opinion guidance, financial media platform operation and other conditions in detail, and sent deep concern and holiday blessings on behalf of the county party committee and government.

    Chen Chuangyang pointed out that in the past year, the majority of journalists focused on the central work of the county party committee and the county government, served the overall situation, sang the main theme, carried forward positive energy, cheered for the high-quality development of the county, and gathered consensus, which reflected the good spirit of journalists.

    He stressed that the county financial media center should play a good role in the mainstream media, deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, earnestly do a good job in the propaganda of ideological and cultural work, strive to launch more financial media products with distinctive themes and strong communication power, and continue to consolidate and expand the mainstream ideological and public opinion positions. We should adhere to the central work of the county party committee and the county government, actively report on the "Ten Million Project" and other key work, give full play to the unique advantages of news publicity, and guide the cadres and masses of the county to work together to promote the implementation of the "Ten Million Project". We should strengthen our own construction, adhere to learning to improve our professional ability, and build a news gathering and editing team that meets the requirements of the integrated development of media in the new era. We should adhere to the principle of integrity and innovation, actively integrate all kinds of resources with a more open mind and more powerful measures, give play to the power of current new media, create more high-quality masterpieces, and better serve the high-quality development of Raoping.

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    Initial website: http://raoping.yunhaoren.com/bendizixun/21062.html
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