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      Raoyang Town innovated the new mechanism of forest fire prevention, changing from "I want to prevent" to "I want to prevent".

      Released on November 17, 2023-17 at 06:52:16, Long term effective , 104 browsing
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    • Area: Rao Ping
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      • contacts: Wang Sujie
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    2023-11-10 Source: Raoping County Government Website

    Raoyang Town innovated the new mechanism of forest fire prevention, changing from "I want to prevent" to "I want to prevent". In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on forest fire prevention and fighting, Raoyang Town, through the town team, in conjunction with the County Meteorological Bureau and China Taipao Property Insurance Chaozhou Center Branch, explored and implemented the first meteorological forest fire early warning insurance project in the province, and insured all 90996.76 mu of forest land in the town, On this basis, we will innovate a new mechanism for forest fire prevention in Raoyang, strictly implement the mechanism of "prevention first, fire fighting integrated, early and small" for forest fire prevention, and help green and beautiful Guangdong's ecological construction. First, precise research and judgment, scientific fire prevention. When yellow, orange and red meteorological forest fire early warning signals are issued to the target area, meteorological forest fire early warning insurance can pay according to the level of the early warning signal. The higher the level, the more compensation. During the effective period of meteorological forest fire warning signal, administrative villages without forest fire can get corresponding compensation according to the forest land area.

    For the administrative village with forest fire, not only the compensation will be transferred to the administrative village without forest fire as a reward, but also the relevant responsible person will be held accountable. Second, the more defense, the more rewards. Compared with "traditional" agricultural insurance, the insurance service has been transformed from "post disaster" compensation to "pre disaster" early warning and "disaster response". The higher the level of early warning signal, the less fire will occur, and the more compensation will be paid. This has positively stimulated the initiative and enthusiasm of forest fire prevention at the grass-roots level, and realized the transformation from the concept of forest fire prevention to "I want to prevent", Effectively prevent and reduce forest fires.

    Third, "weather+insurance" helps Lvmei Raoping. Give full play to the professional advantages of the provincial meteorological bureau, the leading unit of the town team, to explore a new model of "meteorology+insurance" for disaster prevention and mitigation. In combination with the actual situation of Raoyang Town, which has a large area of forest land and high forest coverage, we will carry out disaster early warning, insurance survey, rescue and other work, fight the "initiative" of forest fire prevention, truly prevent problems from "burning", and guard green waters and green mountains, Assist in the ecological construction of Lvmeiraoping.

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    Initial website: http://raoping.yunhaoren.com/bendizixun/21061.html
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