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Tool Introduction
The website weight is a comprehensive rating of ten grades from 0 to 9 by webmaster tools through big data analysis of website keyword ranking and estimated traffic of search engines. This data is only for optimization reference, not accurate website data. The larger the website weight value, the greater the natural traffic of the website; The higher the natural traffic, the higher the corresponding keyword ranking can be. The website weight, traffic and keyword ranking influence each other and together constitute the overall SEO performance of the website. The website weight is closely related to the number of keywords and website traffic. The increase in the number of keywords and keyword ranking will help improve the website weight. The more traffic the corresponding keywords bring, the more website weight will be further accumulated.
Weight rules:
Weight 0 nothing Weight 1 Estimated flow 1~99
Weight 2 Estimated flow 100~499 Weight 3 Estimated flow 500~999
Weight 4 Estimated flow 1000~4999 Weight 5 Estimated flow 5000~9999
Weight 6 Estimated flow 10000~49999 Weight 7 Estimated flow 50000~199999
Weight 8 Estimated flow 200000~999999 Weight 9 Estimated flow above 1000000
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