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What is the function of trademark inquiry?

Published on: September 7, 2021

Trademark inquiry plays a very important role. The main purpose of trademark inquiry is to judge whether there is similarity in trademark registration. Friends who have the ability to analyze the similarity of trademarks can choose to inquire on the Internet by themselves. If they can't, they can entrust Sinosoft intellectual property rights to help you inquire. Next, we will introduce the software to you Trademark Query Network Welcome to understand the role of.

Because the trademark is exclusive and unique, you use a good sounding name that has not applied for registration, and the probability of more than 90% under your eyes is the same or similar to the trademark that others have applied for registration earlier, which means that all your diligence is to do publicity planning and marketing promotion for other people's famous brands. Maybe you will infringe others' trademark rights, Encountered economic development and the ban of laws and regulations.

Trademark is also a special tool to participate in market demand. It is the market competition of product or service quality and reputation, and its expression is the market competition of trademark reputation. The higher the trademark reputation, the stronger the competitiveness of its products or services. The quality and credibility is a cumulative process. All the back-end development, production, product development, front-end development, promotion and marketing are aimed at the goods or services you produce. All the diligence is to expect the goods or services to be accepted and recognized by customers. It is the goods and services themselves that install all this, But its expression form and communication effect are all based on "trademark". Therefore, another key function of trademarks is "media".


Without a trademark, all of this will lose the media to which it depends. No amount of hard work will become a waste of time, even more than it pays. Property trademark is also a key intangible asset amortization. The company spends some money on product research and development, marketing and promotion, and services. The money spent eventually gradually accumulates into the amortization of your intangible assets, which is your trademark! Every money you spend on brand culture construction will be installed by your brand name, that is, the trademark. This value can be reflected from cash or equivalents in various ways, such as pledge loans, transfers, equity investments, and even asset securitization.

The website for trademark query is mainly the China Trademark Office, which is currently the most authoritative.

The methods of trademark inquiry are as follows:

Trademark similarity query, which is used to query whether there are identical or similar trademark applications on the same or similar goods; Among them, approximate query can obtain more accurate query results through international classification number, similar groups, query methods, query types and other strategies;

Comprehensive trademark query, which is used to query the comprehensive information of a trademark, such as trademark registration number/application number, trademark applicant name, similar group, application date, applicant address and other information;

Trademark status query is used to query the status of trademark application or registration in the business process, such as legal status of objection, review, revocation, etc. It is necessary to inquire about the trademark before registration. Don't take chances. It should not happen that someone will register the same trademark as you. Moreover, it is very simple to inquire about the trademark, which is really troublesome. Just like what I said above, we can directly ask the agency to help you inquire. In short, no matter what method we use, we must inquire first.

Friends who need to register trademarks can choose to entrust Sinosoft intellectual property rights for you. Sinosoft has been a professional trademark agent for more than ten years, which is worthy of your trust.

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