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Trademark registration service

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Beauty trademark registration


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Register by industry

Industry wide coverage, customized trademark registration scheme

catering trade
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Restaurants, bars, food sales, hotel accommodation, etc

Category 29 - Food Category 30 - Convenient food Class 31 - Seed fruits and vegetables Class 32 - Material processing Category 33 - Wine Category 43 - Catering and accommodation
Category 35 - Advertising Sales
Food industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Food, snacks, vegetables, fresh food, spices, etc., including their processing and production

Category 29 - Food Category 30 - Convenient food Class 31 - Seed fruits and vegetables Category 40 - Material processing
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Class 39 - Transport Storage
Clothing industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Fabric, home textiles, clothing (including baby textiles), shoes and hats, accessories, etc

Type 24 - Fabric sheets Category 25 - Clothing, shoes and hats Category 26 - Button Zipper
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 40 - Material processing
Internet/IT industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Computer technology, Internet technology, network communication, information communication, etc

Class 09 - Scientific Instruments Category 38 - Communication Services Category 42 - Website Services
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 41 - Education and entertainment
Cosmetics industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Daily chemical cleaning, beauty care, cosmetics, and related appliances

Class 03 - Daily chemical products Class 05 - Medicine Class 10 - Medical Devices CLASS 21 - KITCHEN WARE
Category 30 - Convenient food Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 42 - Website Services
Tourism industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Hotel accommodation, travel arrangement, tourism training, tourism consultation, etc

Class 39 - Transport Storage Category 41 - Education and entertainment Category 43 - Catering and accommodation
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 45 - Social Services
Home furnishing industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Building decoration, furniture supplies, kitchen sanitary ware, home maintenance, including its related production

Class 19 - Building materials Class 20 - Furniture CLASS 21 - KITCHEN WARE Class 37 - Building Repairs
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 40 - Material processing
Building materials industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Wood, construction materials, metal materials, building construction, including processing of related materials

Class 06 - Metallic Materials Class 17 - Rubber products Class 19 - Building materials Class 37 - Building Repairs Category 40 - Material processing
Category 35 - Advertising Sales
Jewelry industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Precious metals, jewelry, watches, jewelry processing, maintenance, etc

Category 14 - Jewelry Watches Class 37 - Building Repairs Category 40 - Material processing
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Class 39 - Transport Storage
Textile industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Textile fabrics such as fiber, wool, floor stall, etc

Category 22 - Rope net bag canopy Type 23 - Yarn Type 24 - Fabric sheets Type 27 - Carpet mats
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 40 - Material processing Category 42 - Website Services
Electronic industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Electronic equipment, communication equipment, electronic instruments, etc

Class 09 - Scientific Instruments Class 16 - Office Supplies
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Class 37 - Building Repairs Category 42 - Website Services
Cultural industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Printing, television broadcasting, publishing, entertainment, activity performance, etc

Class 16 - Office Supplies Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 38 - Communication Services Category 41 - Education and entertainment
Category 42 - Website Services
Energy industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Industrial chemicals, preparations, industrial raw materials, fuels, light energy, heat energy, nuclear reaction related, including related processing, equipment, etc

Class 01 - Chemical raw materials Type 04 - Fuel grease CLASS 11 - LAMP AIR CONDITIONING Category 40 - Material processing
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 42 - Website Services
Photography industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Film, video, advertisement, script creation, etc

Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 41 - Education and entertainment
Category 25 - Clothing, shoes and hats Category 40 - Material processing Category 45 - Social Services
Electric appliance industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Home appliances, lamps, electrical equipment, electrical materials, and related maintenance

Class 09 - Scientific Instruments CLASS 11 - LAMP AIR CONDITIONING Class 37 - Building Repairs
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Class 39 - Transport Storage
Musical Instrument Industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Musical instruments, instrument supplies, instrument maintenance, and instrument training services

Class 37 - Building Repairs Category 41 - Education and entertainment Category 15 - Musical Instruments
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Class 39 - Transport Storage
Fitness industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Fitness equipment, fitness training, health care, recuperation and rehabilitation services, etc

Class 28 - Fitness Equipment Category 41 - Education and entertainment Category 44 - Medical Gardening
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 43 - Catering and accommodation
Real estate industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Construction engineering, decoration, real estate, etc

Class 19 - Building materials Category 36 - Financial property management Class 37 - Building Repairs
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 40 - Material processing Category 42 - Website Services
Automobile industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Auto sales, auto parts and maintenance, advertising, etc

Category 12 - means of transport Category 35 - Advertising Sales Class 37 - Building Repairs
Class 06 - Metallic Materials Class 39 - Transport Storage
Machinery industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Mechanical equipment, parts, hand tools, parts, including their processing and production

CLASS 07 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT Class 08 - Hand tools Category 12 - means of transport Category 40 - Material processing Category 42 - Website Services
Category 35 - Advertising Sales
Chemical industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Chemical raw materials, pigments, fuels, paints and coatings, metal materials, etc

Class 01 - Chemical raw materials Type 02 - Pigment paint Type 04 - Fuel grease Class 06 - Metallic Materials
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 42 - Website Services
Steel industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Metal materials, material processing and production, including material transportation, etc

Class 06 - Metallic Materials Class 39 - Transport Storage Category 40 - Material processing
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 42 - Website Services
Security industry
[Industry Scope] [Recommend necessary registration] [It is recommended to protect registration] Register Now Consultant

Safety detection, protective instruments and equipment, safety rescue, personal safety protection and other services

Class 09 - Scientific Instruments CLASS 11 - LAMP AIR CONDITIONING Category 45 - Social Services
Category 35 - Advertising Sales Category 38 - Communication Services Category 42 - Website Services

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Trademark inquiry
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You can also check the risk of trademark similarity
Trademark renewal
Be sure to apply within 1 year before the expiration of the trademark
change of trademark
The registrant and registered address can be changed
Trademark design
A good trademark should have a good design. A good design is right here
Legal protection trademark registration
Lawyer in hand, no worries
One price and multiple guarantees
Trademark assignment
Transfer to others for easy transfer procedures
objection to a trademark
Put forward an objection in time in case of infringement
Trademark license
If you permit others to use it, please go through the permit filing
condition of registration
Requirements for applying for trademark registration
Trademark fees
One time registration fee, no other fees

Trademark registration knowledge

Answering various registration questions


Trademark registration

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Trademark classification
* cell-phone number

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* Verification Code Get verification code sixty second
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Trademark registration

Trade name
Industry classification
* cell-phone number

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* Verification Code Get verification code sixty second
Submit application
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