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Excerpts from Xi Jinping's Discussion on the Party's Mass Line Education Practice Activities

Literature Research Office of the CPC Central Committee
Compiled by the Central Party's Leading Group Office for Mass Line Education and Practice Activities
Published in March 2014

content validity

The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China decided to focus on maintaining the Party's progressiveness and purity, and carry out the Party's mass line education and practice activities focusing on serving the people, being pragmatic and honest. The content of this book is extracted from more than twenty important documents, such as speeches, instructions and instructions of Comrade Xi Jinping from November 15, 2012 to March 18, 2014, with a total of 174 paragraphs. Some of them are published for the first time.

Publication background

The first batch of educational practice activities were carried out in depth and achieved important phased results; The second batch of educational practice activities began in January 2014, and were carried out in provincial and lower level organs and their directly affiliated units and grass-roots organizations. In order to cooperate with the second batch of mass line education and practice activities of the Party, we edited the book "Xi Jinping's Discussion on Mass Line Education and Practice Activities of the Party" for Party members and cadres to learn and use.

Related news

1、 Fully understand the great significance of carrying out the Party's mass line education and practice activities

Under the new situation, our Party is facing many serious challenges, and there are many problems to be solved within the Party. In particular, corruption, separation from the masses, formalism, bureaucracy and other problems among some Party members and cadres must be solved with great efforts. The whole Party must be alert. It takes a good blacksmith to make steel. Our responsibility is to work with all Party comrades to insist that the Party should govern the Party strictly, solve its own outstanding problems, improve its work style, and keep close contact with the masses, so that our Party will always be a strong core of leadership in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

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2、 Accurately grasp the guiding ideology and objectives of educational practice activities

The central government's proposal to focus on style building, oppose formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism, and extravagance is to put forward a focus on combating corruption and promoting integrity, and a breakthrough point to consolidate the mass foundation of the Party's governance. All Party members must understand this issue from such a political height, be alert mentally, remember the "two musts", unswervingly change the style of work, unswervingly fight against corruption, and earnestly achieve the goal of stepping on the stone to print and seizing the iron with traces, and constantly win the trust of the people with new progress and achievements in combating corruption and promoting integrity, so as to ensure the prosperity and long-term stability of the Party and the country.

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3、 Earnestly implement the general requirements of "looking in the mirror, dressing, bathing, and curing diseases"

During the Yan'an rectification movement, Comrade Mao Zedong proposed to focus on the rectification of subjectivism, sectarianism and stereotyped Party writing, and said that it was not easy to clean up these things. It was necessary to give the sick a heavy stimulus, make the patients surprised and sweated, and then call them for treatment. This educational practice drew on the experience of the Yan'an Rectification Movement, and clearly put forward the general requirements of "looking in the mirror, correcting clothes, taking a bath, and curing diseases". These four sentences and twelve words can be summed up as self purification, self-improvement, self-improvement and self-improvement. They are concise and clear, but it is not easy to do so.

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4、 Effectively solve the "master switch" problem of world outlook, outlook on life and values

Why do formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance prevail today? Why do some people become corrupt and even turn traitor to the enemy, heading for the abyss of crime? In the final analysis, the ideal and belief are not firm. I often say that ideals and beliefs are the "calcium" in the spirit of Communists. If ideals and beliefs are firm, the bones will be hard. If there is no ideal and belief, or if ideals and beliefs are not firm, the spirit will be "calcium deficient", and will suffer from "osteomalacia".

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5、 Carry out criticism and self-criticism in the spirit of rectification

Carry out criticism and self-criticism in the spirit of rectification. Criticism and self-criticism are the fine traditions of our Party and effective weapons to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Party organization and maintain the unity of the Party. Why should we focus on rectification spirit? Because the problems of separating the Party from the masses, especially the problem of "four styles of conduct", are persistent. To truly solve the problem, we must have the courage to put aside face and expose the ugliness, the spirit of moving really hard, the courage to fight, and the attitude of digging deep into the roots and touching the soul. Now, the "sharp tool" of criticism and self-criticism has become a "blunt tool" in many places. It is rusty, and can not touch and touch the problem deeply, just like a feather duster. Some even turn self-criticism into self praise and mutual criticism into mutual praise. In this educational practice, we should make great efforts in criticism and self-criticism.

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6、 Insist on leadership

Adhere to leadership. I often hear such comments that some problems have not been solved for a long time, which are manifested at the grass-roots level, with the root in the upper level, the upper level being sick, and the lower level taking medicine. Indeed, the problems of separation from the masses are mainly manifested in leading organs and cadres. This activity should focus on leading organs, leading groups and leading cadres at or above the county level. As the saying goes, one should restrain oneself before others, and one should be hard when forging iron. The Central Committee has decided that the Political Bureau of the Central Committee will carry out this activity first, so as to play an exemplary and leading role. Leading organs, leading groups and leading cadres at or above the county level must set a good example.

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7、 Keep the door open for activities

The eyes of the masses are bright. The masses see the problems of Party members and cadres most clearly and have the most right to speak. We should stick to the open door activities, listen to the opinions and suggestions of the masses at the beginning, organize the orderly participation of the masses in every link, let the masses supervise and comment, avoid "talking to themselves, playing and singing" by all means, and do not engage in closed door practice and internal circulation.

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8、 To solve the "four styles" problem, we should focus on both the symptoms and the root causes

Pay attention to the establishment of long-term mechanism. Maintaining the flesh and blood ties between the Party and the people is an eternal topic. The issue of style is repetitive and stubborn. It is impossible to achieve success in one move and complete its work in one battle, let alone stop after a gust of wind blows. We must focus on it frequently and for a long time. We should not only base ourselves on the current situation and solve the outstanding problems strongly reflected by the masses, but also take a long-term view and establish and improve a long-term mechanism to promote Party members and cadres to adhere to the principle of being pragmatic and honest for the people.

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9、 Strengthen the organization and leadership of educational practice activities

At the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was proposed to carry out the Party's mass line education and practice activities with the main content of serving the people, being pragmatic and honest. The Central Committee will deploy this activity, and Party committees at all levels should earnestly implement it, focus on solving prominent problems strongly reflected by the people, and ensure the effectiveness of the activity.

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