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2023 approval High School English Teacher II College Entrance Exam English Preparation Ten Strategies: Grammar Filling in the Blank, Summary of Problem Solving Skills,) Silent words - function words: section, conjunction, article, pronoun (preposition of successive generations) Let's take a look at the problem-solving techniques. 1、 Notional word (1) Nouns The main way of examining nouns in grammar blank filling is: the change of singular and plural nouns and the change of possessive case of nouns, as well as the knowledge in word formation. (A separate knowledge point will be listed after word formation) When doing the questions, we should pay attention to the context and observe whether the plural number of nouns should be filled in here The College Entrance Examination Grammar Test is a comprehensive test with more checks
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Professional approval

 Approval High School English Teacher II Ten strategies for preparing for the college entrance examination: Grammar filling in the blank, summary of problem-solving skills - 1 ppb
