Jing Wei's Complete PS Tutorials (202 episodes)-

Jing Wei's complete set of PS tutorials is particularly well explained and detailed!!! A basic chapter, 39 episodes in total, B improvement articles, 130 episodes in total, C creative articles, 20 episodes in total, D new features tutorials of Photoshop CC 2017, 13 episodes in total

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There is no more beautiful cosmetics than happiness in the world.

Undeterred - Jing Wei PS Tutorial Complete

 Jing Wei's Complete PS Tutorials (2

New functions of PR2021 (what has been updated in pr2021) – [Home of Editing]

The surprise of installing pr2021 for trial is really beyond description. I almost jumped up, really. First, let all pr user headers

How to solve the problem of installing PS2020 flash back in Win7 (what is the reason for opening PS2020 flash back) – [Home of Editing]

PS2020 is the latest version of Adobe. The new PS has many new functions. At the same time, when the new version is first installed and used, there will be some small bugs. What is often encountered is that after installing the PS2020 software, there will be a flash back phenomenon when opening the software, that is, opening the PS software diagram

How to model C4d? There are several modeling methods for c4d – [Home of Editing]

C4D is known as the "new generation of 3D production software" in the industry with its ultra-high work efficiency, humanized interface design and strong production logic. In the process of learning C4D, modeling is essential. C4D modeling basically has three modeling methods, namely polygon, patch (extrusion) and NURB

Poor clothes and bad food - Apricot Forest is warm in spring, I want to return when there are apricot flowers

 Jing Wei's Complete PS Tutorials (2

Honesty is both brave and martial, and when you are strong in the end, you can't defeat it—— Qu Yuan's "National War"