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Channel network > Education alliance > Potential training and joining > Potential training management > Bumi Children's Art: Connecting Millions of Families with Art Education

Bumi Children's Art: Connecting Millions of Families with Art Education

10:12, October 23, 2019 Source: Channel network

With the prosperity and development of China's economy and society, the living standards and spiritual needs of the public have significantly improved. At the same time, the industrial changes brought about by social development also put forward new requirements for the future talent growth model. Children with comprehensive quality can have competitiveness in the future. Artistic aesthetic quality is a key quality.

Art is a more concentrated expression of beauty. We need to use art to express the emotional projection of nature and the world. From our birth, we instinctively create and pursue art. It can be said that each of us has an art seed to be germinated. The best time to retain and develop children's ability and promote its germination is to cultivate children's awareness of art from an early age.

As a leading brand focusing on art education for children aged 4-13 years old, Bumi Children's Art has been adhering to the purpose of "awakening 1% of the inspiration of every young talent" since its inception, and is committed to sowing the seeds of art dreams for millions of families and millions of children across the country. Every Bumi people believe that the children who have been edified by art, they look at people and things and see the world differently; His eyes are full of color; They will gain the most quality growth in the world of art; Their future will have unlimited possibilities. By virtue of advanced art education concepts, complete art growth system, scientific teaching materials and methods, outstanding teaching and research teams, and first-class intelligent teaching facilities, Bumi Children's Art has built a bridge between children and Muse's art palace.

Bumi children's art brand relies on convenient, efficient, professional and reassuring Joining The operation system has absorbed many entrepreneurial partners who love art education, and spread the seeds of Bumi Tongyi across the country. Bumi Tongyi has hundreds of participating campuses across the country, covering the first and second tier cities and many grass-roots cities, counties, and villages. Through a series of charity activities, it has sent artistic care to children in remote areas, leading them to embark on the road of art enlightenment. The efforts and efforts of Bumi people are not in vain. Everywhere Bumi children's art brand goes, it can ignite the enthusiasm of parents to support children's art growth, and can trigger children's desire to learn art.

Bumi's children's art is based on the present and oriented to the future. While teaching children their skills, it also focuses on cultivating children's ability to appreciate, understand and create beauty, building various platforms, introducing professional resources and encouraging children to show beauty boldly. Bumi's children's art is beyond art, focusing on the comprehensive growth of children's knowledge, ability and character, and let the "small beauty" of art contribute to their "great beauty" of life. Bumi Children's Art knows that the growth of art is enough to affect the development of a child's life. The future of a child is related to the harmony and happiness of the family. Therefore, Bumi Children's Art is determined to connect millions of families with art education and let millions of children grow happily in the palace of art through hard work on the fertile soil of children's art education!

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(Editor in charge: mahao)

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