Sino US Shangpin Dispatch Union helps agents to construct without worrying

2018-09-05 14:41:14   Source: China Franchise Network   5199 people participated
  • Business Scope: Art Coatings
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Single store investment: 1~5 ten thousand
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As a new environment-friendly interior decoration material, artistic wall material is favored by a new generation of consumers for its excellent functionality and artistry. The art wall material industry is developing rapidly, and the cashier space is considerable, attracting more entrepreneurs with cutting-edge vision to flock to share the industry dividend, but also facing many problems.

Faced with the ever-changing needs and aesthetics of different customer groups, as well as the ever-changing and exquisite product processes, they need to have professional construction technology and systematic knowledge base. Many entrepreneurs can't help but be shocked. Zero starting point or halfway transformation will face the obstacles of construction technology. China and the United States will work together with like-minded partners to overcome difficulties, Break through barriers such as construction technology, incarnate as "Wall Fashion Aesthetics Master", to jointly create the blue ocean market!

Dispatch Union

Sino-U.S. Shangpin is an agent, closely linked The core value of "achieving customers" is to solve the problem that the agent is short of construction personnel, reduce the pressure of construction expenses, and ensure the construction quality. In addition to carrying out professional and systematic technical training courses for artistic wall materials in the early stage, it also launched the Dispatch Alliance in cooperation with the national quality support system to provide professional and national dispatching guidance, which solved the urgent needs of many agents. The Sino US Shangpin Dispatch Alliance strictly implemented the professional and systematic management system, and was on call, and the overdue compensation of contract customers was doubled, Ensure that the agent does not worry about construction.

Team Qualifications

The Sino American Shangpin construction team is a strong team of more than 100 people, full of enthusiasm and courage to create. All of them are elites in the construction industry fifteen The deep qualification and construction area of one hundred and fifty thousand Square meters, with rich construction experience in home decoration and tooling projects. They are highly skilled, striving for perfection, and have a high spirit of craftsmanship and creation. They are committed to enabling students to quickly and comprehensively master the art wall materials of Shangpin in China and the United States, and are committed to integrating the essence of art into each wall.

Standardize the process

one Unified brand image: All technicians of Sino American Shangpin art wall materials are required to wear matching Sino American Shangpin construction clothes, and all construction tools should be dedicated and managed by special personnel.

two Unified service process: each link of artistic wall material technical construction has been strictly regulated, and there are standardized systems and systems from the initial base surface treatment, to coating materials on the wall, to the final site cleaning in the later stage.

three . Strict detail control: Focusing on details and adhering to quality, Sino American Shangpin construction technicians strive to be meticulous in every detail, truly strictly control the construction link, strictly control the product quality, and pursue extraordinary product quality.

four Standardized after-sales return visit: Sino-U.S. Shangpin construction technicians implement the system of "specially assigned person", and the construction records of each set of projects are recorded. The information of the construction owner is also registered in detail and fed back to the headquarters.

China and the United States will never forget their original intention to promote quality The mission of "let style and taste enter thousands of households" is to be strict with oneself, abide by norms, and put honesty first. Adhering to a high sense of responsibility for agents and consumers, we will jointly create an influential and competitive brand and create a healthy, environmentally friendly, low-key and luxurious fashion home environment.

  • one thousand one hundred and twenty-one people Focus on wall decoration
  • thirteen thousand five hundred and sixty-nine people Consulting wall decoration

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