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"I'm the best swimmer. I'll go first!"
Duchang County Public Security Bureau Tutang Police Station Police Huang Huajie Defends the People's Safety in the Flood

Time of publication: 10:48:00, July 16, 2020 Source: China Police Network

Since July, the continuous heavy rainfall in northern Jiangxi has caused the water level of Poyang Lake to rise sharply. Some towns and villages along the lake in Duchang County, Jiangxi Province were flooded, roads were blocked, and people were trapped. The situation of flood control and disaster relief was severe. In the face of the sudden flood, Huang Huajie, a 33 year old police officer from Tutang Police Station of Duchang County Public Security Bureau, put the safety of the masses first and walked against the current. He entered the flooded villages door to door for many times to persuade the masses to leave, racing against time and transferring the trapped people. Faced with the surging flood, he broke out huge energy.

Huang Huajie helped the trapped people to move. Photographed by Mei Wenliang

  Door to door emergency evacuation

At about 20:00 on July 10, the village cadres of Liufang Village, Zhuguang Village Committee under the jurisdiction of Tutang Police Station turned to the police station for help. The dam of the outer lake of Poyang Lake had cracked, and the flood would soon reach the village, and the villagers needed to be moved immediately. Huang Huajie, who was on duty, immediately drove to Liufang Village with his colleagues. There were 26 families in Liufang Village. Most of the young and middle-aged were migrant workers, and the rest were mostly the elderly and children. When Huang Huajie arrived at the village, the water had already reached the entrance of the village.

"Villagers, the flood is coming, everyone hurry up!" In an emergency, Huang Huajie immediately turned on the alarm of the police car and shouted to the villagers through the loudspeaker. In order to improve the transfer efficiency, Huang Huajie and the party members and cadres in the village adopted the method of "cleaning each household" to organize the evacuation of the masses door to door. While helping the villagers to move large household appliances to high places to prevent flooding, they also helped the villagers to pack their clothes and bedding for later use. Many older villagers refused to evacuate for fear of losing their property. Huang Huajie patiently persuaded his children who were working abroad to call them and ask them to persuade the elderly to move. After more than two hours of work, more than 80 villagers from 26 households in the village were safely transferred to the resettlement site.

   Facing danger and life race

Just after the villagers in Liufang Village were transferred, the police station received a call for help. The Yueguang Dike of Poyang Lake was also flooded. Zhanjia Village and Niejia Village of Hangqiao Neighborhood Committee would soon be flooded, and the villagers had to move to a safe place. Before Huang Huajie could catch his breath, he immediately drove to these two villages.

At about 23:00, a man from Niejia Village stopped Huang Huajie's police car. It turned out that the man had just returned home from other places, and when he arrived home, he found that there was water in his home. His parents in their 70s, his wife who was pregnant for more than 6 months, and his two children were all trapped at home. "Get on the bus and lead the way!" Huang Huajie immediately hailed the man to get on the bus and hurried to the man's home together. As soon as the car arrived at the door, Huang Huajie rushed into the house and took the two children out first. Later, he and his colleagues carried the two old people onto the police car, and the man also saved his pregnant wife. Due to the rapid flood and the rapid rise of water level, Huang Huajie immediately drove to the safety zone with his family. After arriving at a safe place, look back, the flood has flooded the man's door.

At this time, Huang Huajie and his colleagues did not have time to rest, but hurried to the resettlement site to help township and village cadres properly resettle and transfer the masses, calm their emotions and maintain the order of the resettlement site. It was not until 3:00 a.m. the next day that Huang Huajie dragged himself back to the police station. After fighting all night, Huang Huajie was hungry and sleepy. After simply eating a bucket of instant noodles, he fell asleep on the bed before he could wash the dirt off his body.

   Please go into the water again for rescue

At 6:00 a.m. on the 11th, the alarm phone of the Tutang police station rang again. The flood in Zhanjia Village and Niejia Village of the Hangqiao Neighborhood Committee was one person deep, and some lonely elderly people who refused to evacuate the night before were trapped in their homes. The police situation was an order. Huang Huajie, who had only rested for three hours, did not care about fatigue, and rushed to the disaster site again with his colleagues. The leader was afraid that Huang Huajie could not bear it, so he arranged him to take charge of the reception at the reception point, and others followed the rubber boat to the affected village to rescue people. After hearing this, Huang Huajie volunteered: "I'm the best swimmer, I'll go first!" The leader could not beat him, so he had to hand him a set of deep-water clothes and repeatedly told him to pay attention to safety.

Huang Huajie followed the rescue rubber boats and knocked on the doors door to door to persuade the stranded people to evacuate quickly. They went in and out of the affected villages dozens of times to help the affected people transfer materials. During the rescue in the home of a family, the rubber boat was cut and began to leak. On it were the transferred people and several rescue workers. If the load was not reduced, the lives of the people on the boat would be in danger. "There are too many people. I'm afraid the boat can't carry them. I'll go down first," Huang Huajie said, taking the lead in jumping into the flood. Several other rescue workers also jumped into the flood and left the crowd on the rubber boat. The rubber boat that lightened the load was temporarily safe. Huang Huajie and other rescue workers stepped on the sand and debris carried by the flood in the waist high flood and slowly moved the masses to the response point.

The rescue continued until around 12:00, when Huang Huajie and his colleagues helped more than 40 people and transferred more than 260 people from the disaster area. After making sure that all the trapped people were safely transferred, Huang Huajie took off his deep-water clothes that had been filled with water. Before he could change his wet clothes, he dialed his wife's phone. His wife, who has been pregnant for 9 months, is about to give birth. Huang Huajie tells his wife with guilt, "I will go back to accompany you when the flood subsides!"

   Why the "Good Voice" in Flood Fighting

The flood raged and the masses were trapped. At the critical moment, he never turned back and shouted, "I am the best swimmer, and I will go first!" - Huang Huajie, a policeman from Tutang Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Duchang County, Jiangxi Province, made a "good voice" in the front line of flood fighting, which was simple, firm and impressive.

"Make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property". The important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping have inspired countless public security policemen like Huang Huajie to take on the responsibility bravely, to charge the front line, and to practice the lofty concept of "people first" with their own flesh and blood.

Facing the flood, charge! Huang Huajie and his comrades in arms shouldered a mountain of responsibility, racing against time and advancing towards danger. It is the duty and mission of the people's police to carry forward the spirit of fearlessness. Whether it is fighting crime, epidemic situation or flood rescue, where there is danger, there are people's policemen. When the Party and the people need it most, the people's police, with firm faith and courageous action, write down loyalty, dedication and responsibility again and again.

For the people, charge! Huang Huajie deeply cares about his pregnant wife, and puts the safety of the victims' lives at the top of his heart. He did not hesitate to jump into the waist deep flood and give up his only rubber boat to the masses... He was fearless of the wind and waves and sacrificed his life to forget about death, which was the burning blood of the people's police for the people. The noble idea that the people's public security is for the people flows and inherits in the blood of the iron army of public security.

Fire proves gold, flood proves loyalty. Why does Huang Huajie's "good voice" in flood fighting move people? Call of Duty, People's Life First! This is the answer.

Editor in charge: Li Jingyi