The higher the cell phone pixel, the better the photo taking effect? Photo quality is related to multiple factors

2019-10-14 09:48 People's Network

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Smart phones have long become the necessities of modern life, and the role of smart phones has long been not only the basic functions of making calls and sending messages, but also photography is one of the main functions of smart phones. In life, people always intuitively think that the higher the phone's pixel, the better the photo taking effect when judging the phone's photo taking function, but is this really the case?

In short, every image we see is composed of "color dots", and each color dot is called a pixel. A picture consists of 500000 color dots, so the pixels of this picture are 500000. From the imaging principle, the size of the pixel value will have a certain impact on the generated image. When the area of the mobile phone image sensor is certain, the higher the pixel value, the smaller the area of the unit pixel, and the unit pixel area directly affects the amount of light input. The smaller the unit pixel area is, the less light input on the image sensor will be, and the photos taken will become gray and fuzzy; The lower the pixel value is, the larger the light sensitive area per pixel is, and the better the light sensitive performance is. Therefore, it has better performance in terms of high light sensitive image quality and picture level.

However, the overall effect of the picture is not only determined by the pixel value. Whether it is a mobile phone or a camera, its imaging is determined by many factors, and the pixel value is only one of them. Mobile phone imaging effect is more related to mobile phone lens module, software optimization, etc. The mobile phone lens module includes the main hardware configuration such as lens and sensor. The quality of hardware parameters will directly affect the overall effect of final imaging. In addition, the software optimization of the system is another important factor that affects the photo taking effect of the mobile phone. The photos finally presented to us by the mobile phone are the photos that have been processed and optimized, and the image processing ability of the mobile phone system also determines the photo taking effect. As is common in our life, even with the same hardware, different brands of mobile phones have different imaging effects, which is related to the image processing capabilities of mobile phone manufacturers. The better the software optimization algorithm, the better the photo effect will be. In addition, the photo effect taken by mobile phone is also related to the user's photo taking skills. Only by using light and composition skills reasonably and paying attention to the picture structure and content can high-quality photos be taken.

Editor in charge: Zhang Siyu (QX0007)