On July 1, the vehicle purchase tax law will be implemented? Wuhan Taxation Bureau confirmed that the increase of vehicle purchase tax is a rumor

2019-06-27 12:09 Jingchu Network

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Recently, a news that "from July 1, the vehicle purchase tax law will be implemented, and the vehicle purchase tax will rise" spread all over the circle of friends. In order to stimulate car sales, some car dealers have publicized that at present, the actual purchase tax required to purchase a new car worth 100000 yuan is about 8600 yuan. After the implementation of the new policy, the purchase tax required to pay will increase to 10000 yuan. Some even said that the current tax rate of vehicle purchase tax is 8.5%, and after the implementation of the tax law, the tax rate will be 10%, and the tax will become more.

But is it really the case? The reporter sought confirmation from the Wuhan Municipal Taxation Bureau today. The relevant person in charge of the bureau said that after the implementation of the car purchase tax law, the tax rate and calculation method of the car purchase tax have not changed substantially, nor will it lead to an increase in the purchase tax. The idea of paying more car purchase tax is misleading. Please don't be fooled by rumors.

After the implementation of the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law on July 1, "the biggest change is to determine the tax rate and calculation method of vehicle purchase tax in legal form." After the implementation of the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, not only the overall tax burden has not increased, but also the tax burden of some vehicles may decline. For example, the purchase tax will not be levied on motorcycles with a volume of no more than 150ml, and the owner can save hundreds of yuan. In addition, the minimum taxable price system has been abolished, and some vehicles that are promoted or sold at reduced prices may save a lot of vehicle purchase taxes.

From June 1, the tax department and the vehicle management department of the public security organ jointly implement the application of vehicle purchase tax electronic tax payment information to handle vehicle registration, which means that taxpayers no longer need to provide paper vehicle purchase tax payment certificates when handling vehicle registration business, The vehicle registration business can be handled only after the vehicle management department of the public security organ confirms the electronic tax payment information. After the vehicle purchase tax payer of Wuhan City purchases the vehicle, he can directly use the self-service tax handling equipment set up in the auto dealer, mobile WeChat, electronic tax bureau, etc. to conduct diversified tax handling, without waiting in line at the tax service hall or drawing the paper tax payment certificate. Further bring great convenience to taxpayers.

Wuhan Taxation Bureau reminds that we hope that the general public will not believe the rumors and beware of being cheated. If you encounter tax related problems, please call 12366 Tax Service Hotline in time. Wuhan Taxation Department will wholeheartedly provide services for the general public.

Editor in charge: Zhang Siyu (QX0007) Author: Zhong Chen, Chen Lu, Zhang Qiushi