Did you get appendicitis at the sports meeting right after dinner?

2018-11-17 15:01 Beijing Science and Technology News

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Author: Zhou Xiaobo (MD, Shanghai Jiaotong University)

To understand the premise of appendicitis, we must first understand its location and function. The appendix is a band shaped intestinal cavity with a single opening between the ileum and the cecum. Because the intestinal tract is not fixed, the specific location in the human body varies from person to person. Most people are located in the right lower abdomen, so there is a saying that "metastatic right lower abdomen pain is common in appendicitis". But it must be noted that you cannot judge yourself to have appendicitis simply because of the pain in your right lower abdomen.

For a long time, the appendix has been regarded as the representative of human redundant organs. However, existing research shows that the appendix can store and provide immune cells to the intestine, and play a role in maintaining the balance of bacteria in the intestine, so it can be regarded as an immune organ. But this immune organ is too fond of inflammation.

Since the appendix is located in the middle and lower part of the intestinal tract, and people need more than 4 hours of time alone with food after eating to allow them to enter the intestinal tract and be absorbed, the theory that food enters the appendix due to exercise after eating is self defeating.

In addition, when food is received from the stomach through the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, and then enters the cecum and approaches the appendix, it is no longer the original shape, so it is very unlikely that paste food will enter the appendix and block the intestinal cavity.

There are two main causes of appendicitis, bacterial infection and obstruction of the appendix cavity.

The former is often caused by the rupture of the appendix's own mucosa, which leads to intestinal bacteria such as E. coli entering from the damaged part and causing inflammation of the appendix.

The latter is often due to indigestion or intestinal dysfunction, which leads to the accumulation of a large amount of food residues in the large intestine. After the large intestine absorbs the water in the residues, they become hard fecal lumps. If they fall into the appendix due to changes in body position, they will be stuck in the lumen and difficult to discharge, eventually leading to appendicitis.

That is to say, in the case of indigestion, even if it is not exercise after meals, the usual strenuous exercise may also lead to appendicitis.

Although exercise after meals will not directly lead to appendicitis, it does not mean that you can break the shackles and release yourself after meals. At this time, the gastrointestinal tract needs a large amount of blood supply to digest food. When the blood is distributed to the muscles of the limbs during exercise, it will lead to insufficient blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract, which may lead to indigestion or exacerbate the symptoms of indigestion. One of the main manifestations is abdominal pain.

Editor in charge: Bao Meng (QN0017)