The National Development and Reform Commission refutes rumors about online stores impacting employment rumors

2015-12-30 15:01 China Economic Network

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Source Title: The National Development and Reform Commission refutes rumors about online stores impacting employment rumors

NDRC Economics Du Feifei, deputy director of the Research Institute, said in an interview with the media recently that online stores affect employment, which does not represent the views of the National Development and Reform Commission or the entire Economic Research Institute.

On December 20, a media released a daily research report of the research group of the Economic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, which mentioned in a very inconspicuous paragraph that "although online retail, express delivery and other emerging formats have created some new jobs, we must also pay attention to the impact and significant substitution effect of online stores on physical stores."

Immediately, it was misread by some media as that the NDRC made a rare statement on e-commerce, saying that online stores had impacted employment.

But the truth soon became known to the world. Du Feifei said that there was a misunderstanding in the market. The report was only a conventional project and could not represent the opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission or the entire economic research institute. Du Flywheel further said that this report is similar to the analysis report of the securities company, and it is a statement of one family. Du Feifei is one of the authors of this report.

In fact, the People's Daily recently highlighted the massive employment created by Alibaba's ecosystem. The People's Daily said that more than 9 million entrepreneurs and more than 300 million buyers trade through Alibaba's platform. Every day, 1.5 million couriers carry 30 million packages to all parts of the world, and the entire business ecosystem has created 12 million jobs. In addition, Alibaba Cloud Ecology under Alibaba has provided about 1.2 million jobs, more than 70% of which are entrepreneurial, and nearly six of them are first-time entrepreneurs.

CCTV News Network also praised Alibaba in its program, saying, "Although there are countless halos, the original intention has not changed."

A study by McKinsey also shows that e-commerce has greatly boosted China's consumption. For every 100 online retail consumption in China, an average of 39 yuan is new consumption, and the proportion of new consumption in third and fourth tier cities even reaches 57%. In short, Taobao Tmall brought more than 1 trillion yuan of new consumption in 2015, creating a large number of new jobs.

Editor in charge: Liu Jie (QJ0003)