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Watch out for fake "Internet Information Office" calls! Take you through popular scams

Recently, people in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Tianjin and other places have received calls from the so-called "Cyberspace Office", and criminals have taken the opportunity to ask people about their personal information to commit fraud.

Open the question mark of Sanxingdui to see what level of reactor expert you are? | Sanxingdui Q&A

Sanxingdui Ruins, located at the bank of Yazi River in Guanghan, Sichuan, with the development of archaeological work, Sanxingdui, which has been sleeping for thousands of years, slowly wakes up from the long river of history and gradually unfolds a picture of early ancient Shu civilization.

Where is the oldest house found in Sanxingdui so far? | Sanxingdui Q&A

Sanxingdui Site is the largest ancient culture, ancient city and ancient civilization site in the pre-qin period known in southwest China, with the longest duration and richest cultural connotation.

Fujian Police Announces 6 Typical Cases of Cracking Down on Internet Rumors

The network security department of the public security organ of Fujian Province acted quickly to clean up a batch of rumors that disrupt the public order on the Internet in a timely manner, and investigated and dealt with a batch of illegal persons who fabricated and spread online rumors according to law

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Joint refutation of rumors
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