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Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee came to Pingtan for investigation
2024-05-10 11:18:22     Source: Pingtan Times    Editor in charge: Ji Yajun   

From May 8 to 9, a delegation led by Yan Keshi, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Provincial Committee, came to Pingtan to investigate and learn about Pingtan Mintai Township Construction and Innovation Project.

In Beigang Cultural and Creative Village, the research team inspected the "Travel in the Wind" cultural and creative workshop. Since he came to Pingtan in 2016, Taiwan Qingyang Binghao has taken root in Beigang Village, carried out cross-strait cultural exchange activities, built a demonstration base for Taiwan people's ecological home, and promoted the development of tourism industry in Beigang Cultural and Creative Village, taking the "traveling in the wind" cultural and creative workshop as the main position.

In Guanglou Village, the research team inspected the Taiwan and Fujian rural construction and innovation projects, such as the Taiwan Music Dream Factory recording studio themed homestay, duck raising family Taiwan food and culture museum, which were built by the cultural and creative team called by Furen. In Taiwan Pioneer Park, the research team visited the Taiwan Professional Qualification Integration Service Center to find out how it can open up the whole chain service of "training+certification" through a series of measures to achieve the whole process and all field services of Taiwan professional level certification.

The research team also visited Aowei Village, Shanli Village, Longhai Village, Dongkun Village, Dangsheng Village and other places to see the cross-strait sightseeing agricultural projects in each village.

The research team stressed that Pingtan is the only comprehensive experimental zone for Taiwan in China. It is necessary to continue to give full play to the advantages of Taiwan, play a good card of "cross-strait integration", create more excellent projects of rural construction and innovation in Fujian and Taiwan, and help the development of cross-strait integration.

Meng Guangqin, member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee and commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner for Forest Resources Supervision of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration in Fuzhou, Huang Hai, member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee and deputy director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Commission, Su Youquan, chief economist of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and Tu Shubao, member of the CPPCC Provincial Committee and full-time deputy director of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Commission, participated in the survey. (Rong Media Reporter Lin Shuling)

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