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The academic salon on the theme of Nandao language family was held in Rong
2024-05-01 10:00:00     Source: Southeast Network    Editor in charge: Ji Yajun   

On May 1, the Southeast Network (Guo Bin, a reporter from Fujian Daily) learned from the Provincial Institute of Archaeology that the academic salon themed "Progress and Prospect of the Research on the Origin and Diffusion of Nandao Languages", sponsored by the Provincial Bureau of Cultural Heritage, the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Taiwan Democratic Autonomous League, and organized by the Provincial Institute of Archaeology and the Fujian Museum, was held in Fuzhou on April 28. Nearly 200 people, including experts and scholars from scientific research institutions, cultural and museum institutions and colleges and universities, including the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Xiamen University, the Provincial Archaeological Research Institute, the Fujian Museum, the Fujian Minyue Wangcheng Museum, the Pingtan International South Island Language Family Research Institute, attended the event.

During the activity, the project leader and main members of the major project of "Archaeological China", "Research on the Origin and Spread of Nandao Languages", shared the theme and systematically reviewed the academic objectives, main tasks, research plans and main research progress of the research project on the origin and spread of Nandao Languages. Experts and scholars attending the meeting had in-depth discussions on the next step of Fujian's work plan in the research field of the origin and spread of Nandao languages.

Fu Qisheng, the president of Fujian Museum, said that the further development and deepening of the research on the origin and spread of the Nandao language family should be from single to systematic and promote multidisciplinary participation; From self to diversity, we should promote regional and international cooperation and exchanges and the collaborative work of multiple institutions; From professional to popular, we should comprehensively strengthen the dissemination and interpretation of research results on a professional basis, and improve the dissemination and influence of South Island language family topics.

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