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The Third Plenary Session of the Third Session of the Eighth People's Congress of Putian

At 11:10 on January 12, 2024 Source: Editor in charge of Southeast Web: Jin Jingjing Let me say something

The Third Plenary Session of the Third Session of the Eighth People's Congress of Putian

Putian, Southeastern. com, January 12 (reporter Zhang Yilin, Hu Yuwei, Wu Bingduan, Jiang Ruixin, text/picture) On January 12, the third plenary meeting of the third session of the eighth People's Congress of Putian was held, at which election matters were held.

The number of deputies to be present at the meeting was 356, and the number of deputies actually present was 333, which met the quorum.

The General Assembly carried out the election, and voted to approve the list of election directors and scrutineers.


In accordance with the provisions of the election method of the General Assembly, the election shall be conducted by secret ballot.

After election: Lin Jianwei was elected as the director of the Putian Municipal Commission of Supervision; Xie Zhihong was elected President of Putian Intermediate People's Court; Li Jun was elected Procurator General of Putian Municipal People's Procuratorate (it must be reported to the Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate for approval by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress). Lin Xiufeng was elected Secretary General of the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Putian, and Chen Chaoxia, Zheng Shuhai, Cai Jianrong, and Yan Qingshan were elected members of the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Putian.

The General Assembly voted to approve the official candidate list of members of the Legislative Affairs Committee, the Finance and Economic Committee, the Social Construction Committee, and the Supervision and Justice Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Putian City.

Constitutional Oath

Subsequently, the Assembly held a constitutional oath ceremony.

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