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Carry out the pre service legal knowledge examination for section level cadres in Chengxiang District of Putian by promoting learning through examination

2021-11-25 15:14 He Yimiao Source: Southeast Network Editor in Charge: Cai Rongmei Let me say something
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Examination of legal knowledge of section level cadres before appointment

Putian, Southeastern Network, November 25 (Correspondent He Yimiao, text/picture) On the morning of November 22, the Organization Department of the CPC Chengxiang District Committee and the District Judicial Bureau of Putian jointly conducted a pre office legal knowledge examination for the proposed candidates of section level cadres in Chengxiang District.

The examination focused on the legal knowledge necessary for the performance of duties by the staff of the state organs, including the Constitution, the Administrative Procedure Law and other relevant laws and regulations. The examination paper was set with judgment questions, single choice questions and multiple choice questions to fully test the comprehensive legal literacy and the ability of leading cadres to govern according to law.

In recent years, Chengxiang District has strictly implemented the pre service legal knowledge examination system for leading cadres, which has formed the institutionalization and normalization of the legal knowledge examination for leading cadres, mobilized the initiative and enthusiasm of learning and abiding by the law from top to bottom, and guided leading cadres to consciously use the rule of law thinking and methods to deepen reform, promote development, resolve conflicts, and maintain social stability.

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