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Putian Mobile makes every effort to ensure smooth communication at the frontline of epidemic prevention and control

2011-09-14 18:05 Wu Bingduan Source: Southeast Network Editor in Charge: Lin Jing Let me say something
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Medical staff monitor through video Check and follow up the situation in emergency ward and emergency negative pressure ward( Pictures provided by Putian Branch of China Mobile

Putian, Southeast China. com, September 14 (Wu Bingduan, our reporter) In the face of the epidemic, Putian Branch of China Mobile quickly entered the emergency work state, organized the support team at the first time, gave full play to mobile 5G, big data and other information technology means, fought continuously day and night to help this "defense war" without smoke.

Take multiple measures to ensure smooth front-line communication

At the front line of "epidemic", Putian Mobile comprehensively uses big data, cloud computing and other technologies to fully support epidemic prevention and control. In Putian Emergency Ward and Pulmonary Department Building of the Affiliated Hospital of Putian University, Putian Mobile has built a unified high-definition video surveillance (20 on each floor from the third to fifth floors) for the key epidemic prevention and control isolation area. Through the high-definition video monitoring screen, medical staff can view and follow up the disposal in the emergency ward and emergency negative pressure ward in real time, and help the epidemic prevention and control to be carried out efficiently, safely and orderly.

At the same time, Putian Mobile improved the network material emergency allocation management mechanism, gave full play to the advantages of territorial coordination, gathered emergency equipment and emergency boards such as Wangxingtong, FEMTO base station, emergency treasure, and carried out non-contact material handover at the control point at the junction of Xianyou National Road; Urgently support Xianyou County, and continuously and comprehensively ensure that the mobile communication network in Fengting Town, key hospitals, nucleic acid detection points, isolation hotels and other important epidemic prevention places is unblocked.

Putian Mobile has prepared multi scenario network solutions and support measures for the sealed control area, established 28 emergency communication support teams, 24 support vehicles, 268 support personnel, responded to the epidemic prevention support needs of government departments, and closely followed the abnormal fluctuations of network performance in the prevention and control area, Make overall arrangements for network support and scheduling of network failure and epidemic prevention and control.

At present, Putian Mobile has deployed and opened two emergency treasures in the Affiliated Hospital of Putian University and Huangshi Health Center, one emergency vehicle and three emergency treasures in Xianyou County, and is ready to be arranged by the headquarters. At the same time, 1340 communities in high-risk areas and 3 medium risk areas in Fengting Town, Putian were monitored and optimized in real time. Currently, 32 communities have been expanded in time, and 44 communities have completed balanced optimization.

Organize Party members to carry out voluntary services

Since receiving the sudden news of the epidemic, the business offices of Putian Mobile have quickly entered the state of strict control of the epidemic. Each business hall kills the seats and equipment in the business hall every day to provide customers with a safe and comfortable business environment. Customers entering the store shall follow the principle of "one door in and out". All customers entering the hall shall strictly follow the three-step safe operation of "wearing masks, measuring temperature and lighting codes". Customers waiting in the rest area shall be advised to take a rest at a "1m safe distance". At the same time, guide customers to handle business through online channels such as Bamin Life APP and WeChat official account to reduce unnecessary contact. In addition, Putian Mobile also released the "Complete Guide to Broadband Troubleshooting Self repair" online, allowing customers to solve "minor failures" without leaving home.

"Urgent notice, please return people who have lived in Fengting since August 26, immediately take the initiative to contact their villages and report their travel records truthfully..." To help reduce the risk of epidemic transmission, Putian Mobile actively cooperated with government departments to send epidemic prevention reminder messages, which have reached more than 12 million.

On the front line of fighting "epidemic", the party flag is flying high. On the evening of September 10, within one hour after receiving the emergency support task, Putian Mobile gathered the vanguard team of Party members and rushed to the key areas of nucleic acid screening in Xianyou County overnight to carry out on-site communication services. Some vanguards of Party members and young volunteers also cooperated with government departments to form a number of anti epidemic teams to distribute relevant prevention and control materials to the front line of prevention and control. Where there is disaster, there is the "main battlefield" of mobile people! In the face of the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, Putian Mobile has gone against the grain in this war without gunpowder smoke, providing a strong guarantee for winning the hard battle of epidemic prevention and control.

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