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Putian "Digital Party Building Living Hall" opened today

2021-05-27 22:55 Li Jianjun Jiang Ruixin Source: Southeast Net Editor in Charge: Lin Jing Let me say something
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Opening ceremony of "Digital Party Building Living Hall"

Putian, Southeastern. com, May 27 (Li Jianjun, our reporter, Jiang Ruixin, article/picture) This morning, the "digital party building and living hall" jointly built by Putian Municipal Party Committee and Putian Mobile officially opened. Lin Jiangling, Deputy Secretary of the Working Committee of Fujian Provincial Party Committee and First level Inspector, Wang Xuan, Member of the Working Committee of Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Office, Yuan Suling, Member of the Standing Committee of Putian Municipal Party Committee, Head of the Organization Department and Secretary of the Working Committee of Putian Municipal Party Committee, Lin Zhiqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Putian Mobile, and other leaders attended the opening ceremony.

At the event site, the leaders present opened the "Digital Party Building Living Hall", visited the "Digital Party Building Living Hall", learned about 5G financial media smart party building products in detail, and gave high praise.

"Digital Party Building Living Hall" was inaugurated

It is reported that the "Digital Party Building Living Hall" covers five major exhibition halls, namely, the big party building exhibition hall, the "Red Revitalization and Harmony" theme exhibition hall, the 5G smart city experience hall, the network command and dispatching center and the party building training base. It is a complex digital party building position integrating four functions of "learning, education, practice and interaction". At the same time, combined with the technical advantages of the communication industry, 5G technology+smart party building products were comprehensively applied in the exhibition hall to enhance the sense of experience.

At the ceremony, Lin Zhiqiang said in his welcoming speech that Putian Mobile, based on the working principle of "five integrations", carried out a series of activities themed at "building a century dream, integrating and creating a future" to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, and upgraded and built a "digital party building life hall". Next, Putian Mobile will take today's official opening of the "digital party building life hall" as a new starting point, give full play to the role of the main force in the construction of network power, digital Fujian, and smart society, comprehensively help Putian to implement the "two wheel" drive strategy of strong industry and Xingcheng, contribute new strength to the high-quality development of the whole city, and celebrate the centennial birthday of the party with outstanding achievements.

In addition, the awarding ceremony of "Demonstration Base for Party Building of Municipal Organs" was held on the same day.

Site of licensing ceremony

Attended leaders visited the digital party building living hall

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