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The last 400m of Hangang Avenue in Putian is planned to be completed in June this year

2021-03-03 17:02 Chen Lingling Feng Xu Source: Southeast Network Editor in Charge: Lin Jing Let me say something
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Half of the lane has been temporarily opened to traffic, and the other half of the main lane Is Accelerating construction Photographed by Wu Bingduan

Putian, Southeast. com, March 3 (reporter Chen Lingling and Feng Xu of this website) Last December, Southeast. com reported Frequent accidents on Hangang Avenue in Putian, netizens appeal for improving road and traffic management , arousing multiple concerns; Subsequently, the Southeast Network released a short video of "Putian Hangang Avenue has been started for ten years, but it has not yet been fully connected" on its Putian station official voice number "Putian Eye" (pteye0594) to follow up the matter, which quickly caused heated discussion among netizens, and the general public was eager for the early opening of Hangang Avenue. Recently, the reporter of Southeast Network learned that the last 400m of Licheng section of Hangang Avenue (Shifangqiao Puxing Road) was opened to traffic on February 7, and the other half is under accelerated construction. It is planned to open the whole line in June this year.

Hot discussion among netizens

It is understood that Hangang Avenue is one of the five dredging highways in Putian City, with a total length of 7.1 kilometers, and is a regional transportation hub to build in all directions. The section from Shifangqiao in Licheng section to Puxing Road intersection is about 400m long. Affected by the railway construction and the oblique crossing of oil pipelines, the spacious Hangang Avenue has become a dead end road in front of the Fuzhou Xiamen bullet train railway. A large number of vehicles have to bypass, resulting in frequent traffic accidents in this section.

After the matter was reported by Southeast Net, Putian Municipal Government attached great importance to it and promoted Hangang Avenue as a key project. "The whole project is implemented in sections, and the implementation plan is implemented by the county and district governments." The head of the Planning and Construction Section of Putian Transportation Bureau said that the bureau also strives for funds, coordinates relevant units involved in railway pier protection works, overcomes project construction difficulties, and speeds up the project progress.

The reporter learned from the Transportation Bureau of Licheng District, Putian City that the last 400 meters of Licheng section of Hangang Avenue under the G15 Fuquan Expressway Bridge, under the new Fuzhou Xiamen Passenger Dedicated Railway, and obliquely through the Sinopec oil pipeline of Hangang Avenue have been solved, and the remaining main problem is the protection project under the Fuzhou Xiamen bullet train railway.

It is reported that the construction of the protection project under the Fuzhou Xiamen bullet train railway was started on September 11, 2020. Since the project is under the operation of bullet trains, it is a railway related construction project. The construction process is faced with such problems as reduced efficiency of business line construction, oversized operation of large machinery, narrow construction site and short construction period. For this reason, the project department focuses on optimizing the construction scheme, selecting reasonable and efficient reverse circulation drilling equipment, arranging the construction plan in reverse, and providing sufficient human resources, materials, machinery and equipment to promote the project construction.

Half lane has been temporarily opened to traffic, The other half of the main lane Is Accelerating construction   Photographed by Wu Bingduan

"At present, the asphalt pavement of about 100 meters of the main lane of the section from Puxing Road, Hangang Avenue to Fuzhou Xiamen Railway has been completed, and half of the lane of 300 meters of the section from Fuzhou Xiamen Railway to the starting point has been temporarily opened to traffic. The construction of the other half of the main lane, auxiliary road works, water supply and drainage works, traffic safety works and other ancillary works is also accelerating. The overall project is planned to be completed in June this year." Zeng Guoxing, the project leader, said.

The remaining 400m of Hangang Avenue will be opened to traffic before the Spring Festival, bringing practical convenience to the citizens. After it is fully opened to traffic, the journey from Hanjiang to Xiuyugang will be greatly shortened, and the surrounding road network will be more perfect, easing the pressure of road traffic and making it more convenient for residents to pass.

The Southeast Network will continue to follow up the progress of the comprehensive opening of Hangang Avenue.

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