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Putian Chengxiang Gold Medal Mediator: The contradiction between the interview and the mediation has been solved

2010-05-26 10:13 Yang Chaobin Source: Southeast Network Editor in Charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Editor's Note: In recent years, Chengxiang District Judicial Bureau has closely followed the working policy of "combining adjustment with prevention, focusing on prevention", fully played the role of "the first line of defense" and "pressure reducer" of people's mediation in maintaining social stability, and followed the working method of "organization construction before work, prediction before prevention, prevention before mediation, mediation before intensification", Timely and effectively investigate, resolve and prevent a large number of civil conflicts and disputes. From now on, Putian Station of Southeastern Network and Chengxiang District Justice Bureau jointly launched a special report on "Chengxiang Gold Mediator", to explore the characteristic experience of people's mediation in Chengxiang District by going into the daily work of village mediators.

Putian, Southeastern. com, May 26 (Yang Chaobin, our reporter) On the morning of May 16, a backlog of letters and visits that has spanned nearly three years was solved by means of interview and mediation. Huang Zhiyong, the full-time mediator of the Changtai Judicial Office of Chengxiang District, handed over the Letter of Commitment for Visiting Lin, the party concerned, which brought the whole "farce" to a successful end.

In the countryside, there are always conflicts and disputes between people because of some "parents Zhang, short Li". In case of disputes, villagers in Changtai Town will rely on the mediation room in the village, community or town to put conflicts on the table and talk openly, so as to ensure that small things do not go out of the village (community), big things do not go out of the town (street), and do not hand over conflicts.

People's mediation provides a communication platform for conflicts and disputes. However, the people who have not reached an agreement will also safeguard their rights through letters and visits. At this time, the intervention of "docking of visits and mediation" is needed to achieve a win-win situation.

The staff of Changtai Judicial Office went into Lin's house to learn more (pictures provided by Changtai Judicial Office)

Outraged Petition Sincerely Expect to Change Anger

In 2017, Lin, who was fishing in Dongzhen Reservoir, had a dispute with the patrol team, and the two sides fought fiercely. Changtai police station rushed to the scene after receiving the alarm and identified Lin as a minor injury. After returning home, Lin Mou thought that he had been beaten "head broken and bleeding". He was always indignant and thought that justice was unfair. Later, Lin began the road of letters and visits. Lin, from the Changtai Judicial Office, Chengxiang District Public Security Procuratorate and Court, and Putian City's petition units, has gone all the way, even to Beijing two or three times.

"After we learned that he often went over his head to petition for help, we first learned about his specific situation through his family members." Huang Zhiyong said that Lin is now living alone in a collective house. He is irritable, stubborn, has a disharmonious family relationship, and has no daily work.

In view of Lin's situation, the Changtai Judicial Office insisted on a two pronged approach. On the one hand, Huang Zhiyong and Zhuo Jinfei, the assistant of the Judicial Office, visited Lin together and often invited him to drink tea and chat to learn about Lin's ideological trends; On the other hand, Changtai Judicial Office actively communicated with Lin's children to persuade them to fulfill their obligations of supporting the elderly, and alleviated Lin's loneliness through family care.

Weng Haifeng, the director of Changtai Judicial Office, went to Lin's house to express his condolences when the Spring Festival in 2020 was approaching. Lin told Weng Haifeng, "People around me don't like me. I'm really moved to see you." Finally, under the advice of the Changtai Judicial Office, Lin gave up the idea of continuing to petition.

"Most of the respondents to the interview and mediation are stubborn, unable to get out of their anger, and think that people around us are not credible. At this time, we need more patient communication and persistent persuasion." Huang Zhiyong said that it is not enough to simply tell the truth and reason for "old letter and visitor", only to develop a special mediation plan for their special circumstances, Only then has the persuasive possibility.

Ms. Fu's family has reached a settlement with Mr. Ke (picture provided by Chang Tai Judicial Office)

Doctor patient disputes also take the road of letters and visits

Huang Zhiyong, who began to work as a mediator in 2014, is quite experienced in the connection between the visit and the mediation. He told reporters that the priority of dispute mediation is timely, otherwise, if some minor issues are not resolved properly, they will also take the path of letters and visits.

In September 2019, Ms. Fu suddenly suffered from skin disease, so she went to find a village doctor, Ke, to use traditional Chinese medicine for physical therapy. Mr. Ke has done five physiotherapy for Ms. Fu, and more than 100 needles have been pricked, but no effect has been achieved. I spent more than 500 yuan and suffered so many crimes, but it didn't work out. At the end of 2019, Ms. Fu, full of anger, asked Chang Taizhen to deal with the matter on the grounds of illegal medical practice. As the New Year was approaching and the epidemic happened, Changtaizhen only learned the details by phone and postponed the handling of the incident. Seeing that her demands could not be resolved, Ms. Fu embarked on the path of protecting her rights through letters and visits.

"We couldn't get together because of the epidemic recently, so we didn't come here, but you can rest assured that we will do our best to help you and strive for a satisfactory result." After the epidemic situation was controlled, Huang Zhiyong personally came to the door to apologize, explained the reason to Ms. Fu, and actively organized the two sides to coordinate and communicate.

Mr. Ke said that he could compensate for the related economic losses. Ms. Fu said that I am not short of money. Since you have not cured me, you should accompany me to find someone to treat me. Until it is cured, the two sides have been unable to reach an agreement on their demands. Huang Zhiyong gave full play to the role of a mediator as a bridge. He said to Ms. Fu, "It doesn't follow common sense that you let someone accompany you to seek a doctor." Then he communicated with Mr. Ke, "Your compensation amount is too small. It's your fault that you didn't cure it." In this way, Huang Zhiyong said to the east and tried to persuade the west to calm the feelings of both sides, so that both sides reached a consensus.

"After this incident, it also sounded an alarm bell for me. We should not ignore the importance of the matter because it is small. We must deal with it in a timely manner and mediate in a timely manner." Huang Zhiyong vowed to raise awareness and mediate disputes in the bud in the future.

"The connection between the visit and the mediation is a" long-standing problem "in our mediation, which is complicated and the people are emotionally unstable, and often requires the judicial office to connect with other departments of the town to participate in mediation". Huang Zhiyong is proud of being able to solve the backlog of letters and visits.

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